Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tree Trimming

Friday Chris was able to finally get a lift truck to trim our tree with. The tree in our backyard is HUGE. Its needed trimmed since we have moved in. There are branches that hang over and almost touch the neighbors house and back porch. Ive been worried a big wind or storm is going to knock them down and take out their deck. They dont look as close in these pictures as they actually are.
 He looked all cute hardhated up with his harness on. My job was to move the truck and watch the ground as he was limbing the tree...well and to take pictures but I added that one in myself.

 Taylor came by and he was the official chain saw filler upper. Chris was harnessed into the lift and it made it that much more difficult to stop, unhook, lower it and get out to refill his saw, get the bigger saw, get more bar oil, get the chain tightener etc. Thats where Taylor came in. Plus he kept me company and we moved limbs once he wasn't cutting in that area. He likes to be shy and not get his picture taken. He will learn :) It was bright and sunny that day but COLD. The wind had an awful chill to it. We pulled out some lawn chairs and watched. It was easier on the neck to lean back in the chair than to stand looking straight up.

 Kennedy played outside for a minute but mostly she stayed in where it was warm. She told Chris we need one of those trucks.
 We had a lot of stuff to move and put into a big burn pile!

We finished the tree, put all the limbs in a burn pile, big wood chunks to be split, raked the grass to get all the little twigs off and then headed over to Todd and Janas to trim up some of their trees!

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