Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 43- Fire, baby shower, more duck hunting, pumpkin carving and buffalo wrangling

We had a full week this go round. Wednesday night we all went out to dinner at Moores with JaNeale, Jimmy, Hunter Ash, Derek, Ry, Zola and Jimmys Mom Grandma Marilyn who was in town for the week. She is a lot of fun and always so sweet. They came by after dinner to show her our house and we took all them up to Dougs to see all the decorations. Of course we didnt take any pictures either!

Thursday I picked up Miss K from school and we headed for some treats. We needed a Diet Coke and Cosmic Brownie to start the evening. That earned me best mom in the world status.
When we got home we had a fire to start. Its the last week of open burning and we had been having bad indexes so most the time it was a bad burn day. We finally got a good clearing index and I lit the pile in the backyard on fire. It took a second to go but when it took off it went crazy. There were a bunch of rose bush clippings in there that went hot and fast. This is when the fire was still small
 I had a good clear spot around the fire and the garden hose strung out and turned on just in case. All the neighbors all around started coming out of their houses to see what was going on. Little kids started screaming fire fire!!! Our sweet elderly neighbor to the east walked down to see if we were ok and if we needed any help. She asked if I was afraid of fire and I tried hard not to laugh.
  It was quite the show I guess. Todd was in South Willard and saw a huge cloud of smoke. He said he sped up and was hurrying into town cause he figured a good fire was going to be paged. By the time he got to Braegger and sons shop on 89 he said he could see flames and really kicked it into the next gear. The closer he got the closer it looked to our house and he thought oh no. Then he finally got close enough he realized I was burning and called me a little shit ha! He couldn't resist from there and had to stop by to play in the fire and supervise. I couldn't stop laughing. 
 Friday night Tammy and Steve (Taylors Parents) invited us to go to Melinas with them for Steves birthday. Tammy snuck off during dinner and told them it was his birthday (its really that Sunday) and they came out singing. It looked like they were headed for another table but then turned and headed straight for him. He was mortified to say the least. They put the hat on him and he turned bright red.
 Saturday morning my best friend from High Schools wife was having a baby shower and one of our other friends wives was throwing the shower so I double had to go. Chris, Taylor and Todd were out duck hunting. Kennedy was supposed to be with them but Tammy asked if she could trade Taylor for Kennedy and take Miss K to lunch with them. She was super excited. I had an afternoon all to myself. The shower was a lot of fun! They had a lot of cute games to play. 
 Me, Michelle and Karly
It was so much fun to see so many people I hadnt seen in a while and catch up. She had her baby on Monday and it was a little girl!
The boys did well duck hunting. They shot 5 birds. Rue figured out retrieving too.
Saturday night we carved our pumpkins. We had stopped and picked out ones on the way to dinner Friday night and I had been patiently waiting for time to carve them. This years went much better than last year! 

 Chris helping K cut out her design
 They turned out really well! Chris's Grim reaper, my witches hat and Kennedys bat.
 Sunday morning we all went back out duck hunting. Kennedy and Steve came with us. She ate some breakfast
 Then she was out cold
 There werent many birds flying and the ones that did were sky high and far away
 We had our two boats parked in a line and decoys set out all around. They wanted nothing to do with it.
 Nothing came in close enough to even take a shot at! After a few hours we packed it all up.

Rue gets SOOO excited when she hears a duck call or someone shoots. Its hard to keep her in the boat and still because she wants to go get it. The decoys drive her crazy. She has to go sniff each one to see if its a real duck or not. I have never seen a dog get so worked up by a duck call. Shes doing great for only being 8 months!
 Steve, Todd, Chris and Taylor with Taylors boat.
 Well as soon as we got back into town from hunting my Dad needed us to come help him move Elysha. Her and Macee and Parker have been living with my Mom and Dad the last few weeks and got a town house in Brigham. We moved her stuff in all in our duck hunting clothes still. We headed home so Chris could eat and I could take a shower. I wasnt even out of the shower when my mom called and they needed some help. They went down with Kyles parents to move the buffalo we've tried to move a few times. They got her into a pen but she tore apart the panel and got out before they could get her in the trailer. So we turned off the fish sticks in the oven, I threw my wet hair in a pony tail and we headed out the door.
 She was pissed when we got there. She was running all over the place snorting and kicking. They kept getting her to the fence line to run down the panels they had made another fence out of but she would turn and run right through the guys and not go. Finally after a while they got her cornered enough that she ran down the fence and into the panels.
 So they have to hurry and shut the panel so she cant get out before she realizes shes in there and runs them over.

 They got her inside the first set but then they have to take apart the pins holding the panels together to make the pen smaller. By this point she realizes shes had and gets even more mad. She starts ramming the panels with her head lifting them up and trying to throw them around so she can get out. Chris, Dad and Kyle are standing on the panels and shes still throwing them around.
 They make her pen smaller and smaller until shes in a little enclosed space where her only option is to get into the trailer.  Ya she wasnt having that. She kept ramming the panels and throwing them with her head. Even with the 3 guys holding them down she still was almost getting out. If you werent paying attention she would ram the gate where you were trying to get you. She was not happy. 
 Weve got her to this point and we have gathered a crowd. Im not kidding. A few neighbors to the west and their kids came out. A few to the south are sitting on their porch watching. People keep driving by in cars and stopping. One lady comes out of her house all mad. She asks where the buffalo is going. We said "We're trying to take her to Maddox so she can go be with the other buffalo and not be alone." She replies "Shes going to be someones dinner isnt she!" We said no. We're hoping to get some babies out of her and let her go be with our other buffalo. She snaps back "ya right she will be someones dinner" Well yes eventually she will.. but geez lady. Its not your buffalo. You haven't fed her, raised her and paid for her. Pretty sure we can decide what we are going to do. She was mad that she wouldn't get to look at her anymore. She wanted to go pet her while we were trying to load her. We told her sorry but you need to stay away and away from the fence. She is not happy and you might get hurt. She muttered not nice words at us and huffed off. 
 It took a good 30 minutes at least after we got her into the little pen to get her convinced to get into the trailer. She ruined a panel or two in the process.
 Finally she decided to get into the trailer. We put tie downs around the escape door and the back door to help keep her in. Buffalo are VERY VERY strong and have very thick skin. If they decide they want to walk through something they just do it. She thought she was funny and lightly rammed the door once or twice just enough to tease us. They took her to the other buffalo where she ran free.
 We had the dogs out to play and Rue found a duck wing. Chris took it away from her and put it up on the cabinet in the garage. He went back in the garage to get something and found Rue like this. She had gotten the duck wing and a pheasant wing.
 Kennedy and I went for a little ride around town on her dirt bike. She was practicing steering and running the throttle. When we got back home we rode over the little hill in the backyard. She thought that was AWESOME! She had to have dad come take some picts. 

 Chris dented the tailgate on his truck with his duck boat when he was trying to put it away. It was a very sad day!!!
 Monday after work we went out hunting. There is an extended archery deer hunt you can do after the normal season. Its narrowed down to only 3 units in the whole state you can hunt in. You have to take an online class for a certification to be able to hunt the extended too. During the extended you can take a buck or a doe. Luckily one of the extended areas is right above our house. We didnt care if it was a big fat doe or a buck.  Either one is fine with us. We gassed up the wheeler,bundled up and headed up the mountain to a spot I know. We found 4 deer but they were 500 plus yards away and we wouldnt be able to sneak up to them before it was dark. We sat in one spot for a while that gave us a good vantage point to see anything. 
 This picture is us perfectly. Chris is scanning the water out where we duck hunt looking at the water levels, looking for geese, ducks and to see if the swans have moved in yet. I am looking for deer. Which is what we are hunting lol! He had ducks on the mind!!

 And last but not least the only reason anyone reads this blog.. the Miss K stories.
This week Grandma Jana asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She thought for a minute and replied "Love. I want Love. I want love all around I want to be so full of love I cant move my fingers and toes!" She said you already are loved that much! What else do you want for Christmas? She thought another minute and said " I just want to hang out with my mom." She sure knows how to tug on the ol heart strings!

This week is Red Ribbon week. Tuesday is crazy hair and sock day. Kennedy has crazy hair when she wakes up in the morning. Chris always teases her she has to have slept with the chickens to get hair like that, so we call it her Chicken Hair. I took her chicken hair and added some wax spray. It was messy and sticking up all over but that wasnt good enough for her so we pulled it up into 3 pony tails and ratted it some too. That was crazy enough for her. She wanted to wear mismatched shoes too. 

She woke up with a frog in her chest this morning too. I made her some hot cider for breakfast and gave her some mucinex melts and cough medicine before school. It was borderline is this just morning goop that will go away once she gets up and moving or is she getting actually sick. I told her honey I think you're getting a cold. She burst into tears bawling. "Mom I dont want a cold!! Its Halloween this week! Its Red Ribbon week! I cant miss school!!" She is extra dramatic in the mornings.... She then said "Its ok. I'll wash my hands and make sure I dont sit by anyone else on the bus so I dont give them my cold. Its good to sit by yourself once in a while right?? " Shes got more common sense than most adults sometimes!

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