Sunday, January 11, 2015

2015 catch up

 Our first little bit of 2015 has been full thats for sure!
Chris got a sweet card from all the state fire guys. Made him pretty happy!
 For a while he was growing what I call his GingerBeard. I love it because his stache and goatee are all strawberry blonde, his cheeks are red and right where his sideburn is it turns brown.
 Princess has been taking so many naps. This was his last nap on Sunday before he started back to work on Monday! He went back on light duty. He was so happy to go!
We took one night and went and got Miss K's bow all set up for her and worked on teaching her how to shoot it. It took a minute but she did really well.

 Monday Chris was back at work. Kennedy was back at school. That left me home alone. I deep cleaned the house. Scrubbed walls, organized cabinets, vacuumed, reorganized our pantry, kitchen and laundry room.

 After that mom decided we needed to go to lunch so we headed to Rainbow Gardens. We used to go there all the time with my Grandma Witt when I was younger. One of my favorites to always get with the meal was a Mormon Muffin. I love those things!
 Chris has been obsessed with trying to find these awful boots. They havent made them in YEARS. Like 15 plus years. When they first came out they mass produced them and they didnt sell like they expected. He finally found a pair online and had to have them. I hate them but I think he is cocky enough he can pull them off.
 and of course they are Dever Broncos colors. They couldnt be anything else
 Macee Moo is the girliest little girl ever. Its all about dolls and shoes and purses. The other night she was packing up her purse to leave and put her bottle in there too. She would carry her purse on her arm and then stop to take a drink but wouldnt take the bottle out of the purse.

 We decided for fun to see if Chris could hold and shoot a recurve bow since there is so much less weight to one. He was able to.
 Miss K and Parker got a play date. She still has such a hard time saying her Rs. They sound like w's. She kept saying Parker which sounds like Pawkew and he kept getting so mad. He kept telling her "Kennedy say my name right!!"
She would say "Pawkew" again and he finally gave in and said "Fine just call me BullDog."
 I got the cutest Scentsy warmer the other day half price! I was so excited. It matches my chicken kitchen so well!
 We got a new Ladder Truck in Willard. We just have to get it restickered but I cant wait to play on this bad boy!
 Miss K and Ry went cruising in her Jeep at Grandma and Grandpas house.
And finally this last Friday we had both Chris' eye Dr follow ups. The first one was with the retina specialist in the Rocky Mountain Eye center. Chris dressed up for the day. His appointment was at 8:40 and was also Kennedys bday. We had to drop her off to Grandma Jana so we could make it. The Dr said everything is looking good. There is still some blood in the eye and they are concerned about scar tissue developing. If the scar tissue develops wrong it can cause tearing or partial detachment of his retina. BUT its all coming along nice so we dont have to see that Dr for another month.
 We left there about 9:30. His 2nd Drs appointment wasnt til 12 at the Jordan Complex so we had a few hours to kill. We headed to Scheels where we wandered around for a while. After that I figured we could go out to a nice lunch since we still had just over an hour and a half til his appointment. I told him to pick where he wanted to go. He picked McDonalds right across from Scheels lol. But hey we went inside and ate :)
We sat in the parking lot of the doctors office and played racing games on our phone. Weve been playing the same game and were seeing who could make it the furthest. He is so funny when he plays because he cant drive the car with out moving his phone too. So his arms are flying and hes tipping he screen trying to hope it will affect the car. Then he starts yelling at it when he crashes. I spent half my time just laughing at him.
That doctor (who is the one who cut his eye and called him a miracle) called him a miracle again. He was shocked that the droopiness in his eye was gone and that the cut had tightened up so well. He also couldnt believe Chris' double vision was gone. He expected him to look rough when he came in. Chris' vision has even improved in that eye. He just kept saying over and over I cant believe it. Im still floored you can see to start with! He told us he doesnt need to see us again unless Chris develops problems or the double vision comes back :) yay!!

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