Thursday, January 1, 2015

Adios 2014

New Years Eve I worked a 12 hour shift and came home at 6. Kennedy and Chris had spent all day home together. She said "Mom.. Dad is such a handful!! I told him he could only carry two pieces of wood into the house at once and he didnt listen. He carried like 4!"  I love coming home and seeing pictures like this on his dresser 
When I got home I actually didnt go 'home'. Chris was at his parents house cooking dinner for all of us. He had cleaned their house and made dinner.. I think he was slightly bored. He was working on homework. Well trying to. He said it was hard to read with one eye lol
 Something awesome happened too
 I know you're all so excited about how big of a deal this is. This is the first time hes been able to hold out his arm and lift it up, especially level with his shoulder.
And this... he has not been able to lift his arm bent and up unless he swings it up and uses all his chest muscles and then holds it up with his other hand. He lifted it right up and held it there. Its only been a week and a half and his nerves have made HUGE leaps and bounds.
 This was the best picture Miss K could get. She has a really hard time holding still and taking a picture. She likes to dance and boss orders as she does it. We played UNO and Rituki. It was such a fun night. We laughed so hard. We only made it til 11pm though. I had to work the next morning and all of us were exhausted. 
Heres to the end of 2014!

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