Monday, January 26, 2015

EMT class, Archery, Physical Therapy and babies

Lets start our week off with Monday shall we..
A long long time ago back when I was a little peanut fresh out of High School I did all my fire schooling, then I went straight into EMT-B class and from there EMT-I (which is now Advanced) 
Then life went on. Things happened. Life changed. I stopped running on calls and let my EMT lapse. Now that Ive started running again I miss doing those things which as an EMT-Advanced I was allowed to do and decided its time to change that. Monday I started EMT-Basic class again. Yes again. In Utah once your certs lapse you have to take the whole class again not just challenge a test. This is a lot more in depth and has a lot more requirements than when I took the class 11 years ago. Yep I said 11 years. Kinda making me feel old! 

Monday nights I have class. 
Tuesday nights Chris has class and I have fire drill. 
Wednesday nights K has her archery
Thursday nights we both have class. 
There are 3 nights a week we dont see each other from the time we leave for work in the morning until our heads hit the pillows late that night. Good thing its only for 3 months! After that I will have my basic and will have to take my EMT-I sometime for another 3 almost 4 months of class.

Miss K was able to go to archery this week. She is doing so well shooting her new bow. I was kind of worried with her attention span being what it is. She has done great with her new release and is rocking it!
 Wednesday night she had archery and Chris had to go into town after work and wire up some lights. Kennedy had a bday party that next day so we stopped at Walmart to get a present and some pizza for dinner. Chris was in town wiring up some lights for his friends and we figured we would be home at the same time. 
ummm no
That didnt happen. He had a hell of a time with the wiring. It didnt go as planned so Miss K and I had dinner together. 
In the living room
While watching TV
Just cause Daddy was gone. He is one of those no tv sit together at the table kind of people.
We are such rebels.
Wednesday night after work before wiring Chris also started Physical Therapy. So take our normal schedule we have and now throw in PT 2 times a week...
They were surprised at how much movement he had. They didnt think he would be coming in with hardly any so that was a bonus. He had to try and lift weights with his one arm.. and weights is 10 lbs He couldnt do it. He tried his best but it hurt so bad and he had no muscle strength. He has a bunch of work outs he has to do at home 3 times a day which just kill his arm.
Friday night we all had Chinese at Todd and Janas and then played cards. Chris is hooked on playing 5 crowns. Its became a weekly occurrence. I sat out the first game just so I could have uninterrupted snuggle time with Mr Briggs. He just cuddled right in and slept most the time. Hes a whole 2 weeks now.
 Saturday night Liz asked if we could watch Koree while they went to dinner and a movie. Koree hates anyone but her mom. She is a total mommas girl. We said sure and figured she might fuss for a minute but she would eventually get over it. Liz and Kyle dropped off a truck full of baby toys just in case and went on their date. Koree ONLY wanted Uncle Chris. She wanted nothing to do with anyone else. He held her and played cards for quite a while. She finally let him put her in her jumper but she had to be right next to him. If he got a drink or walked out of her sight she started screaming. 
It was the easiest baby sitting night I have ever had. I didnt have to do a dang thing!
Liz said she falls asleep in her bouncer and doesnt like to be held while she goes to sleep so we sat her in the bouncer next to his chair and she had to hold his hand the whole time. She sat there quietly just watching tv with us and drinking her bottle while holding his finger. He is such a sucker and couldn't take not cuddling her. He picked her up and rocked her in his chair and she was out in seconds. He wouldnt put her back in the bouncer and insisted on holding her until they got back :) I think someone liked it.
This was my entire Thursday day off from work. I had one chapter left to read before class and figured it wouldnt be too bad... 
It took me almost 4 hours to get through it and 6 pages of notes.
 Also I decided its time to get fit. I want to be skinny again and get my muscles back. I went and joined the Body Shop gym in Willard. Its nice because its close and open 24 hrs. Mom and I went to the gym Saturday together and sweated our butts off!

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