Sunday, January 11, 2015

Briggs Derek Yates

Monday Ash had another stress test and her Dr came back into town so we figured she would probably be started. She was so swollen and her blood pressure had been so high. We were right they started her that afternoon. She wasnt in labor very long.. like 5 hours when little Briggs was born
Briggs Derek Yates 
2340 hrs
6lbs 10oz 20 inches
Kennedy saw this picture of him and freaked out. She was so concerned. She said "Mom!!! What are they doing to his poor little hotdog!!!"
Who doesnt love little snuggly burrito wrapped new babies!?
 I was able to take a little vacation time on Tuesday and go see him at the hospital. Chris met me there too.
 He had to prop him with a pillow because he didnt have enough strength to hold him up with his arm

 Hes so sweet and has so much hair!

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