Sunday, April 12, 2015

2014-2015 Archery Banquet

Its already time for our annual archery banquet which commemorates the end of the indoor season and start of outdoor. As usual we had it at the Senior Center in Brigham. The same place and banquet that Chris and I first met awwwwww.  Potluck style with a bunch of smoked pork. It was fabulous. This was the best banquet I think we have ever had. We had a lot of great events we have done to go over. This year as a club we raised over $10,000 to donate to charities. Thats freaking awesome for a club like us! Brigham Bowmen has been around since 1955. We also had some wonderful raffle prizes. Kennedy was bored so she took pictures for us.

 Grandma and Grandpa
They are the 2nd longest running members the club has! They are lifetime members and part of the original group.
 Kennedy got another archery medal this year. She was pretty excited.
Another big thing happened this banquet. We had enough money to buy some new 3D targets so the older torn up ones were raffled off to club members. We got in a serious bidding war with another member and ended up winning this sweet mountain goat! He does have horns we just havent gotten them yet. I have been wanting a 3D target for the backyard for quite a while now. He looks a little rough right now but trust me he will be looking good in just a few days! You can see hes huge, hes as tall as Chris's 4 wheeler. This is a $500 target brand new.

I love our archery club and the members we have! We had such a big year I cant wait to see what this next year brings!

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