Sunday, April 12, 2015

Cable guy, Firefighter in Training, Cinderella, Yoga lessons and first diary

Its so nice to have our own personal cable guy... considering we don't even have cable ha! The Easter Bunny brought us that new blue tooth speaker and we wanted to hook it to our tv also but after a while of trying we couldn't get it to play through. Zack came over and couldn't get it to work either. Apparently our TV isnt something something compatible to hook up to it but our DVD player is. So we still get our music and movies through it just not our TV. We have loved that speaker so far! Its so nice to just Bluetooth our music onto it.
Monday in class we went over childbirth. Delivering a baby is on my bucket list in life. Just want to catch one once. However this made me giggle every time I read the words 'explosive delivery' 

 Kennedy wants to be 2 things in life when she grows up (well the most consistent 2 things she says)
A firefighter and a Veterinarian
Tuesday night at fire drill she was so anxious to help. She tried to take apart some 5 inch line
 and she also helped walk out some 5 inch line. 
 This is how we spent Wednesday night
My mom took Kennedy to the movies to see the new Cinderella movie. Kennedy LOVED IT. Grandma Tammy gave her a watch with her Easter presents and shes worn it non stop..she also has been informing us of the time non every 2 minutes. She came to my EMT class on Thursday night for kids night. You are supposed to take 30 seconds of respiration and 30 seconds of pulse, she set the timer on her watch and told them she knows how to do it and timed them. She counted the seconds off for anyone taking vitals on her and also told them she knows how to do a blood pressure and pumped up the bp cuff for them.
 Friday she was looking for wildlife on the mountain with her binoculars she carries in her purse. She had a pretend gun and shot a pretend rabbit too.
 For quite a while Kennedy has been saying she just feels like she needs to teach yoga. When she gets dropped off at fire drill on Tuesdays she teaches Lindsay and Misty yoga poses she has made up like Peacock, river, river with rocks, floating on a cloud. sunrise etc
This weekend she made up signs she wants to hang in the front yard.
She is offering adult yoga classes for $3 and free kids exercise classes after the adult yoga. All classes are taught on the trampoline. 
 Chris brought home a recipe for pickled eggs. I deserve the wife of the year award for making him these stupid things and for having to suffer for pickled egg farts. HE GAVE ME THE RECIPE and said please make this.. and the first ingredient was mustard. HE HATES mustard and then wanted to know why the liquid was yellow and not clear.. um cider vinegar..yeah its not going to be clear. He said they taste good except they taste like
So if anyone has a great pickled egg recipe and it is clear let me know!
Since Kennedy needed a diary to write down all her memories and fun times in this weekend we finally found time to go to the store. She took her purse (complete with lipgloss, chicken poop chapstick, binoculars, her wallet and a book) to the store and bought her very own diary and pencils. I really had to discourage her from buying a diary with a lock, I just couldn't see that ending well. Kennedy told the cashier "How often do you see a 7 year old with her own money and purse!?"
 She has been writing in it non stop since.
 The weather was SO nice on Friday we went outside and played. Kennedy had a picnic with all her kids 
 While she played I weeded and prepped the front flower beds. I cant wait til its warm enough to plant. I have decided with a looming drought and not a whole lot of free time Im going to plant a wild flower mix. Wont hardly require water and will still give me pretty flowers. Plus no weeding really. Win on both ends! We will see how it turns out.
 I also bought new solar lights to line the flower beds

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