Sunday, July 5, 2015

Tressell Fire

Thursday afternoon Chris and I were busy getting our stuff done for the week. The 3 of us had just gotten home and took our first bite of Chinese food when my dad called and said we needed to go out west on a grass fire. He said my mom was already on her way to get K. We hurried and changed our clothes and headed out for our first grass fire of the season. 
 It was way out west and the fastest way for us to get there was to take the causeway. I had never been down that road before. You go down 12th st past GLS and onto private road that you can use for fire access. It parallels the tracks and takes you past the Great Salt Lake

 We arrived on scene and two other trucks got there just a few minutes before us. They were able to knock down what was left of the fire. We had great winds that were keeping it from running. It was in a sunflower field and sunflowers are hard to burn.
You can see Fremont Island in the distance
 A power pole started on fire and caused it. We used a propack an layed down a good layer of foam to soak the ground.
 Then it was time to hit the hotspots 

 I was able to find a little open flame still!

We were out there for about 5 hours taking care of it all.

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