Sunday, September 18, 2011

American Veterans Traveling Tribute Wall

Saturday Hailey, Kennedy and I headed up to Logan to see the AVTT wall
The weather was horrible
Pouring rain, windy, gloomy
It was nice and sunny in Willard but it just kept getting darker and darker the closer to Logan we got!
So we put on our hoodies and headed out anyways!

The start of the wall

These were dog tags of lives lost on the global war on terror
Almost all those tags were from Iraq

They also paid tribute to firefighters and police men

It was amazing to see how many names were actually on the wall
You never really realize how many lives have been given for our freedom


Joni said...

We went Thursday for Law Enforcement night and it was incredible. It really makes one see how awful war really is and makes ya grateful for those who are willing to serve and sacrifice their lives so that we can live free in this great land.

The Triplett Family said...

What a nice thing to do, I had no idea there was a traveling tribute wall. That's such a good idea for those who aren't able to go to DC!