Sunday, October 23, 2011


On Friday night Kennedy and I went to dinner with my friend Zack.
He'd been out of town for work for a while and had just came back home
WingNutz is one of our favorite places and neither of us had been in months so we went as a welcome home thing

We were sitting there in the packed restaurant eating when all of a sudden all these people came walking passed all dressed up and bloody
I thought maybe it was for a movie or something
At first there were just a few of them
I wasn't too sure what Kennedy would think
She just sat and starred at them
Then there were more
and more
and more

They smeared fake blood all over the windows
Had nasty fake tongues they drug across the glass
Kennedy was in awe
She started waving to all them as they passed
I was just thankful she wasn't scared
Then a few of them came into the restaurant and wandered around
I hurried and googled on my phone to see what the hell was going on
I love technology
It was a Zombie Walk where they were doing it as a drive for food and clothing for a homeless shelter in Ogden City
It was the 2nd annual one and there were over 500 zombies in attendance!!

When we left the restaurant Kennedy kept looking behind her for the Sombies as she calls them
I kept trying to explain they were just people dressed up like for Halloween
She didnt care
"Mom if the sombies come after me Im gonna scream and run really really fast. I have new running shoes and they're fast! I'll run so fast you'll have to scream and catch up with me!"
Thankfully we were not attacked by sombies on the way to our car

However on the way home we did have a nice talk about jail on the way home??
She was all curious about it
I explained it to her that it was like a time out for big people when they do bad things
That they have to sit there and think about the bad thing they did and when they are good then they get to be done
She said "They are all sad in jail!! I will go sing to them and then they will no longer be sad anymore. They'll be happy!"
I asked her what she was going to sing.. she said Ke$ha

The question was asked to her what can people do to stay out of jail..
her reply
"Dont marry bad girl. Only marry good girls"

1 comment:

Derek and Erica said...

She is so funny! I was laughing through out most of the post (: