Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chris's Birthday

Chris's bday was on Wednesday the 3rd
But that night he had fire drill and I had softball, my dad worked and his dad had meetings too
It wasnt a good day so I decided to have a little family party for him on Tuesday
Dad and Dane leave for the elk hunt Thursday and we have dinner with his mom and step dad so..
Tuesday it was!
You know that old saying about best laid plans..
Ashley came over just before 5 to help me get everything finished
Dinner was at 6 for everyone
Chris's pager went off at 5:02
10-51 PI MM 353 I-15.... and by this point thats all we heard
He was in his truck and gone
Didnt know if it was northbound or southbound
But most accidents if they even make it on scene with out getting cancelled dont take long
He was gone about 10 minutes before his phone started ringing like crazy
He forgot it and left it at home
His dad called to tell us he was just leaving SLC and was on his way
We told him Chris was on an accident but we didnt know northbound or southbound again...
About 30 minutes later his mom calls and asks if all her kids are ok because she heard there was a fatal northbound
Its now 6pm and everyone is showing up
Figured we might as well go ahead and eat because the food is done and they should be here soon
We ate.. and hung out..and waited
Dad didnt show up either but we figured he was on the accident
MM 353 is Willard Fire Depts area-Dads on Willard Fire
But Brigham has an automatic Mutual Aid-Todd and Chris are on Brigham Fire
Ashley is on Brigham Ambulance.. but she wasnt on call that night!
Well Todd calls hes stuck in stand still traffic
Its almost 7 and no Chris... No Todd
Elysha, Dane, Parker, Kennedy, Kinlie, Ashley, Derek and Rylee and I were all just hanging out.. 
Liz left cause her friend was having drama
Chris and Dad were out on this fatal who Chris knew the wife of the guy and the twins were friends with his wife too and Ashley went to school with the guy.. and the guys brother in law was a trooper.. for that area.. who was working that night.. and went on the call
Dad and Todd made it to the house around 8pm
I had made spaghetti and meatballs, breadsticks and salad
We had no clue when Chris was going to be home because he was in charge of the truck he was on so he had all the paperwork so we ate cake
I left him the parts with the candles on it lol
He came home about 8:30 as everyone was leaving
His sister said to me its a good thing you understand and are used to this lifestyle coming into this family!
No kidding!
I had also made Chris a 'beer cake'
I made him sit down and open his presents 
Everyone was gone
The food was gone
Kids were in bed
And he'd been home 30 minutes ha!
He got a few camo shirts, some brush pants, a camo hat, a metal fire sign he wanted
And these two were my favorites I couldn't wait to give him!
A firefighter belt buckle and a rescue knife
The knife has a window punch, seat belt cutter and then the normal blade
The next day was Chris's real birthday
He had to work all day and Kennedy didnt feel good
Shes had bad allergies and the runny nose built up a congestion in her chest
She gets this every year at this time
She felt bad enough that she didnt even want to go on her field trip for school!!!
So she cuddled up in bed in her pj's with a movie and some hot apple cider
I made chicken tortilla soup for dinner in the crockpot
and did a second birthday dinner for Chris
I mean you HAVE to have something on your actual birthday!
Kennedy was only down for a minute and spent the rest of the day running around
She kept watching for "Daddy Chris" out the window and asking me about every 5 minutes if it was 4 yet.. starting about 10:30
)She asked the other day if he thought it would be ok if she called him Daddy Chris since he was going to be her step dad
It was so cute
I told her she could call him whatever she wanted but if she wanted to she could ask him if it was ok)

Table was set and waiting
She has to sit in the middle so she can sit by us both 
He opened the door and we started to sing happy birthday and had him blow out his candles
Then he was off to run errands and go to fire drill
Kennedy and I took a nap before my 9pm softball game

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