Sunday, June 15, 2014

First Cabin Trip 2014

Friday afternoon we headed up to the cabin for our annual summer check. Make sure everything looks good, no snow damage etc. Taylor came along with us. He had never been up to Hardware area before. When we got there everything was SO green. The vegetation had really grown.
The cabin looked good. We let the dogs run for a little bit and then took our normal drive around the block looking for animals. We saw a doe antelope, some cows... I was the ONLY ONE who brought my binoculars so there had to be a lot of sharing going around!
 and a good chunk of bucks! Their antlers are just starting to grow back now for the year. Most we saw were about the height of their ears so far. The deer also were really a red color.
 Taylor looking down into one of the canyons for deer
After the drive we headed back to the cabin to shoot for a minute. We let the dogs out at the Y and let them run back.

 They loved it!
Kennedy shot the .22
Yes we had earplugs in
 Our cute family
Taylor killin a pop cup
Then of course we had to stop for McDonalds on the way home!
Chris and Taylor talked the whole way home that there was supposed to be dry lightening and they knew it was going to start a fire. We pulled into town and had to stop at my moms house first. The pager goes off for a fire and those two were gone! It wasnt a lightening fire and they got it out pretty fast.

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