Friday, March 18, 2011

Sportsmans Expo

Today Mom Kennedy and I headed to the Sportsman's Expo at the South Towne Expo Center. I love going to the Sportsman's Expo! They usually have some of the neatest stuff there!
Grandma and Kennedy outside the entrance
Momma and Kennedy
They had dutch oven cooking competitions
And all kinds of neat four wheelers and dirt bikes, Ford and Dodge trucks, campers, all kinds of hunting clothing and equipment, cooking equipment, kids fishing,fly fishing demonstrations, speakers and so much more! 
Kennedy hanging out in the big Ford chair. She was getting tired from all the walking.
They had all kinds of kids activities too. This was put on by the Youth Waterfowl Association. They let you toss decoys into the bucket. Kennedy wanted to do it SO bad. I wasn't sure if they were going to let her because she was so little. She walked right up to the guy and said "I want to throw one!" He let her walk right up close and toss it.
You win a cinnamon teal decoy and she was SO proud of her duck. She carried that thing everywhere.

Best attempt we had at a pict with her and her antlers and duck looking at the camera haha
Headed home

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