Monday, May 16, 2011

Sleepover Follow up

Well... the I think it might not have gone so well~

My dad said Kennedy was running around like a bat outta hell and then all of a sudden at 10pm she instantly got fussy. He told her to stop or go to bed. She wanted to go to bed and fell asleep instantly. She slept til about 1am and then started crying...and crying...and crying. Liz and Kinlie were laying with her and she wouldn't stop crying for mommy.

Then she puked...
In the bed...
With Liz and Kinlie....

Kinlie said "see mom! that's why I don't want kids! They puke all over and cry all the time!!"

She cried on and off all morning. Joe finally went and picked her up about 10 am. She was doing ok by then. Tired but no big deal. He dropped her off to me at 1pm and about 20 min later she broke out into a good fever. She had some Tylenol and just kept getting worse. I had to call in sick to work. I was afraid she was getting another kidney infection. Her fever was about 101 and her heart rate was around 190. It was going so fast I couldn't count it. When she gets like that the ONLY thing that will touch her fever is Children's Advil. Not Tylenol. Not Motrin.

She was not doing well and I was worried so Joe left work and went to Walmart to get her some medicine and popsicles. Before he could get to my house her fever spiked to at least 104. Her skin was on FIRE. It hurt me to touch her.

I had to give her a cold bath. That is the worst torture ever. Listening to her scream because not only is she feeling cold from a fever but she's naked in cold water. He showed up then as she was screaming and we gave her medicine and a half a popsicle. I love Advil. Her fever was down in about 10 min and she was out. Her heart rate was down and she slept.
She broke out in only one other small fever about 100* one more time that night. She was good by about 8pm. Still slept a bunch but was playing and eating. We were watching her Dora the Explorer Movie and she was almost asleep. At the end of the movie they say "what was your favorite part of the adventure?" Her half asleep reply was "When my Grandpa took me camping.." aw!
 I dropped her off to Joe at 4am and went hunting. 

She came back around 1pm and was fine. Just fussy but no fever. A little run down but that was all. We slept on and off most the day and I took her back to Joe when I went to work that night. She was just fine and I had planned to go out hunting with my dad in the morning. Kennedy was just fine. No fever. Playing and all good.

Joe dropped her off at our friends house at 630 who was watching her. They have a little girl who is 4 and her and Kennedy love to play. I picked her up by 930 am.She was having fun laughing and playing. Threw a fit about going home. She wanted to stay and play with Lexi. We got back to the house and were there maybe 20 min before she puked all over my bed... Ugh..

She and I slept on and off most of the day (it was my night time) She threw up again..We slept some more. And slept. It was time for me to go to work and I woke her up about 30 min before I had to leave. She threw up ALL over herself and the bed. Great. Had to give her a shower. Clean the bed. Clean the sheets. Love on her and poor peanut still felt horrible. She kept asking for Dr Pepper so she got one.

I went to drop her off to Joe so I could go to work and while we were waiting for him to get there she puked 3 more times. No fever at all today. And half the time is bouncing off the walls :(
So much for her first overnight camping trip with Grandpa!

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