Monday, September 17, 2012


Monday Chris had half the day off work
We decided to go up to Inspiration Point and take the shotguns in case we saw any grouse
This peanut was SO good today
SO sweet so loving so funny
One of those days where they just fill your heart
She was cracking me up
Singing all kinds of songs on the back of the wheeler and giggling almost non stop
The leaves are starting to change and it was gorgeous!
Chis had been all over up there but never actually to Inspiration Point
So we took a little venture up 
Then we hiked out on the trail to the south that Ive always wanted to go out on

The view was so pretty 
Even though there was a TON of smoke in the air from fires in Idaho
You couldn't hardly see very far at all

We were sitting on the top of the mountain looking around and two male mountain goats came out about 500 yards from us
I was able to get a picture of them through the binoculars with my phone
We headed back towards the wheeler after a while and found 3 more goats

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