Thursday, September 13, 2012

Not a normal trip to the cabin

Chris had some time off of work mid week because he had so much overtime at work and he needed to flex it
So we decided to go up to the cabin Wednesday morning
Chris woke up early and went over to his dads to do a few things
Kennedy and I slept in
When he came home he brought us breakfast
a HUGE cinnamon roll that was as big as the to go container
We headed up the canyon
The leaves were just starting to change
It was only like 58 degress outside
Nice and cool
Crisp fall air
We got to the cabin
Did a few things
Took a few guns to shoot
Kennedy and I shot my .22 buckmark
She loves to shoot 
She shot my open sights .22 also
And bb gun
We were just really trying to work on learning to aim
But its so hard when the gun is too big 
Chris just kind of hung out
Worked with Bailey and watched
Kennedy took a bunch of pictures
She took this one of Chris and its one of my favorites
I also ended up with about 20 like this 
We were getting ready to head back home
We'd planned to take Bailey and walk through this little patch of trees to see if we kicked up any grouse
It had just been a perfect day so far
I told Chris before we started hunting I wanted a picture of our little family of 4
Him, Bailey, Kennedy and me
So he took off on one end and Kennedy and I on the other
He told us to follow the ridge down but stay on this side of it and they were off
Kennedy and I took our time walking through the tress
Some of the brush was kind of high so it took her a minute
We were just walking through when Chris yelled out
"Hey babe where are you guys at?!"
I said just over here and he started walking over to where we were at
He came over to us and said to Kennedy
"Hey hold my gun a minute will you"
I said something I dont even remember and he said
"Dont worry its not loaded"
It didn't even have time to register with me
I figured he had unloaded it before he gave it to her or something
He had to kind of crouch down to hand it to her so he was down on the ground

I kind of turned towards him and 
he was down on one knee with a ring box in front of me
I was so shocked! I thought he was messing with his shoe, or Baileys collar or something
He said " We didn't come up here to hunt.. Will you marry me?"
I started bawling and kissing him
I couldn't stop either 
Kennedy was standing right next to us and kept saying
"See mom I knew he was going to marry you! Now he will be my other dad! He's going to marry you! Dont go to a wedding dance with out me!"
I finally stopped crying long enough to realize I hadn't answered him
I was still hugging and kissing him as he was down on his knee and shook my head yes
We were both crying
I held out my shaky hand and he put the ring on my finger
I was trembling
I finally collected myself after a minute and told him dont you dare move I need a picture!
It was perfect
I was so surprised
I kept crying and shaking 
I loved having Kennedy there for it

I love my ring
Its pink camo
So me
So us
So perfect
The band that goes with it is matching with a bunch of little stones in it
and then we walked down the hill and back to the truck
Yes he did ask my dad a few weeks ago if it was ok to marry me :)
He got the approval
He'd had the ring for over a month
He had planned to do it over the deer hunt but woke up that morning and just decided that was the day
So he went over and talked to his dad, got the ring from his dads house and set it up


Sue said...

Jess-It's wonderful to see that you are so happy and surrounded by love and peace and enthusiasm for life! Chris must be a very special man-I wish both of you all the happiness in the world as you build your family together and tackle all the things life has to offer you.

Natalie said...

Soooo cute! Love the ring and how he did it! You both look so happy together, we are so excited for you both.

The Triplett Family said...

I've been waiting for you to write out the story here. :) I'm excited for you. Chris seems like a really great guy and a perfect match for your little family and you seem very happy. Good for you!

Zane and Cami said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!! I love that it was spontaneous and that Kennedy was able to be right there a part of it all :)