Monday, May 5, 2014

Ohio- Day 1 and the place

Wednesday morning Jana was sweet enough to get up at the early early crack of dawn and take me, mom and Aunt Kathy to the airport. I ended up sleeping in and woke up right as she pulled in the driveway. I was exhausted and slept through my alarm. So it was hoodie and hat day lol! It worked out well because when we got to Ohio the weather sucked. Mom, Aunt Susan and I had real tickets. Aunt Kathy was flying stand by. She ended up not getting out on the flight with us and got the next flight around 8. We flew into Cleveland and she flew into Akron. When we landed this was the weather.
 Here is a map of the areas we toured. My moms from Mansfield. We spent time in Ashland. We stayed in Perrysville.
 Marianne picked us up and we went to lunch then to get Kathy at the other airport.
 Susan, Me, Mom
Mom wanted to take an ussie instead of a selfie...
 Wednesday was so long!! Our flight landed there about 1:30 their time (they are two hours ahead) we picked up Kathy at almost 5. Stopped at Mariannes house to get our van, went to walmart and finally made it to our place after 830. Remember we got up at 2 am to start with.
We really did luck out on this trip though. My cousin Katie had a spare van for us to borrow so we didnt have to rent a car. Now see if you can follow this.. My Aunt Kathys husband is Dannie. His brother is named Jim and his wife is Jo. Jim and Jo have two kids. One owns this house. He actually lives in Alaska where he is a fireman/hunting guide/taxidermist for a few more years. Jim and Jo live at his house and manage his property for him. Jim and Jo live in the 'big house' and were sweet enough to let us stay in the guest house.. which once he and his family move back to Ohio the guest house will be Jim and Jo's. The houses are on 70 acres! This is the driveway and the view
The guest house and our nonrental rental van

 The view towards the house and of part of the land
Heading over to the main house
 View from the main house
 View towards the driveway

 The map of the land. Just the land the house is on
 The inside of our guest house. The downstairs has a master bedroom, master bath, living room, kitchen and dinning area

 Then you go upstairs and there is a bathroom, bedroom, another bedroom area and then into the main loft area where mom and I slept with the balcony.
 Right out of our room
The place was BEAUTIFUL!! We were so lucky to get to stay there

1 comment:

The Triplett Family said...

Wow, what a great place! I would so LOVE LOVE LOVE to get my hands on something like that. Beautiful!