Monday, May 5, 2014

Ohio Day 3- Lehmans, Smuckers and P. Graham Dunn

Friday we went sight seeing and to some stores. One of the first stops was a store called Lehmans
They sell non electric items
 The store is full of non electric things... stoves, kitchen accessories, fire place things, cooking stuff everything. But its so funny to sit and think its ALL non electric. They had modern items for sale and antique items lining the tops of the building

 They had some really neat things in there. These were on display only. A guy carves them from one solid piece. The whole thing is one piece!

 From there we went to a Menonite thrift store. We got stuck in some traffic on the way
 We signed their guest book. It really was pretty much a DI

 There was a lady there quilting and a guy looming denim
 We stopped and talked to him. It was interesting to watch him loom. He said what they dont sell the Menonites donate to 3rd world countries. They had just sent a load of things to Syria recently
 Outside the Menonite store
 We went to lunch at Das Dutch House and then headed to P. Graham Dunn store. Its a large Christian wood working store. 
Just even the entrance was HUGE
The downstairs was the factory. The upstairs was the store
They had all kinds of handmade swings and chairs that were so comfortable

 Next stop to our adventure was the Smuckers factory. I was so disappointed by that place! I thought it would be more like an outlet store or have cute different things.. Everything there was so expensive!!

 We drove around to a few places. Saw 'downtown'

 I couldnt believe how much water they had back there. Everything was so green and flooding

We were so tired by the time this day was over! We stopped at a grocery store to buy some food for dinner and breakfast for the morning and called it a day. I took a nap before I had chips and salsa for dinner.. and then went back to sleep ha!

1 comment:

The Triplett Family said...

Cool! I've never been to any of those places! When we lived in PA I loved not having a sprinkler system or ever having to water outdoor plants… no need!