Monday, May 5, 2014

Turkey Hunts

Monday was the opener of the turkey hunt. I had to work that morning but K and I went out after I got off to see if we could find anything. I decided this year I want to get a turkey with my bow instead of shotgun. It makes it a lot harder. As soon as we got to the spot I wanted the blizzard started.
 We hung out in the truck for a minute until the snow stopped.
 We hiked to a few different spots. We would set up and call for a little bit to see if we got any reply. Kennedy is my lil turkey caller. Shes pretty good at it and can work most the calls really well.

 If it werent for her boots and teeth you couldnt see her.
 She got her own set of binoculars this time and worked hard on trying to find some turkeys
 We hiked some more and another snow storm hit.

 It was COLD and WINDY. She told me she was Elsa from Froze and she made it snow. Thats why it was snowing so bad.

 The snow wasnt letting up and the skies stayed dark so we started hiking back down. 

By the time we got back to the truck the snow was pretty much done and the skies were not as grey. We decided to call it a day anyways. When we got home it was sunny and warm but you could look where we had been and it was dark and stormy. 
We didnt see or hear any turkeys but we had fun. I love my little hunting buddy!
The next day I went out to some private land I got set up with. I missed TWO TURKEYS!!! I was hiding in a ditch and should have sighted in my broadheads a little more but it was a blast. I have never bow hunted anything before. It definitely makes it more challenging. Turkeys are spooked very easily. I had a nice tom about 45 yards from me and had a hen JUMP IN THE DITCH 5 feet from me. 5 feet!! She didnt see me but could hear me calling so she came to see where the other turkey was. The other hen that was with her was only 10 feet from me at the top of the ditch right in front of me. I was so surprised they didnt bust me! Thats alright though I still have a few more weeks to get my bird!

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