Monday, December 8, 2014

First Annual Christmas Tree Gathering Adventure

This week at Sunday dinner we decided we were going to go cut down a real Christmas tree. We had to wait clear til Saturday to go up and get one! I was so excited all week long I couldnt hardly stand it. Saturday finally got here. I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and we headed out bright and early to go to Cub River to get two trees. We had no idea where we were going or how long it would take us to find a tree. We hadnt been in that area before but it looked good on the map and the friends I got the permits from had cut down their tree in the same area. We had the enclosed trailer full of wheelers and our gear. We parked at the first trail head and headed up to see what we found. It was so pretty and covered in snow!
We saw all kinds of perfect trees but they were too big.. too far.. the wrong kind of tree. We stopped at several spots. We played in the snow and had a complete blast! Jana and I were laughing so hard by the time we finally found our trees. 
 The boys hiked up a hill to look at two trees we saw. Miss K kept climbing up the hill in Daddys foot prints and sliding down. Its a lot steeper than it looks!

 We finally found two trees that were good enough. They seemed so small when we cut them down. They had to be under 10 feet
 Todd and Janas tree
 and ours!
 We headed back down to the wheelers. Kennedy prefered to slide down the hill than walk. This is the same hill she was going up. You can see how steep it is now
 Chris had to park his wheeler off on the side of the road so that snowmobiles could get through. He ended up getting stuck and having to winch out
 We loaded the trees on the wheelers and headed back for the truck

The boys had been giving us such a hard time about going to find a tree instead of just buying one but after this they decided it was fun and we need to do this every year. 

It was such a beautiful day! We stopped at La Tienda for some lottery tickets and breakfast. They have an amazing restaurant inside. I had strawberry stuffed french toast. Their hashbrowns were cooked perfect! Definitely a must go to place!

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