Sunday, March 8, 2015

Kennedys school, Fire drill, Old Grist Mill, Kennel Redo

Briggs and I hanging out on card night. He likes to snuggle with me.
 Chris has worked hard and earned his Wildland Firefighter II certification
 Kennedy wrote a story for school
My Uncle Zack and me like to hike but we cant slip. So we ride the four wheeler instead. My Uncle Zeb and I like to fish but he says dont fall in.
Briggs was blessed last Sunday. I had to work and couldnt go but Ash sent me a picture of him all dressed up. Hes so stinking cute!
Our scores from the Golden Spike shoot came in. Chris had been so excited because he had beat his dad by 2 points. Well when they flighted the mens class those two points put Chris in the bottom of his flight and his dad in the money and 1st place in the top of the 3rd flight!
Not many girls money shoot.  A lot will shoot but not compete in our class. Female Bowhunter FreeStyle. I was a little disappointed to see only 3 of us money shot! But hey I placed 3rd....out of 3 lol!

We had a a record number of shooters show up! Just over 430! Last year we had 350! Great improvement and I heard so many wonderful things about the shoot form all those who went through our course.

This is what happens when Kennedy comes to drill with me. She takes a bunch of pictures!

She earned a Superstar Student Award and school that is good for a free game of bowling. We are so proud of her!
This week one day I had the gym to myself for a little bit. It was so nice! I have been sick with that nasty horrible sinus congestion crap going around and my first day back to the gym about killed me. I was dying. BUT for not working out over a week I am down 5 lbs woo woo!
It was time to get serious about weights! I used to be able to do almost 600 lbs on this dang thing. 
I bought Kennedy some new clothes since she once again has outgrown everything. I had to buy her size 12 jeans and they are SOO long on her. She has almost a foot of excess on the bottom. I told her I bought her new clothes and she said "Oooohh are they new hunting clothes!???"
 Friday Kennedy didnt have school for teacher prep day. We ran errands and when we were at Walmart Ash called and asked if we wanted to meet at Old Grist Mill for lunch in a few minutes. It was perfect since we were right there. 

That wasnt enough time for RyBug and Miss K to play so Ry NEEDED to come home with us while Briggs and Ash went to his Drs appointment. They played inside. They played outside. They played back inside and made a fort in the living room. They packed bags full of books and went camping in the wood shed.

 While they were playing we were working on making a gate for our backyard. Since we first moved in Ive been wanting a gate in this little alleyway between the garage and house. Its not very big and not really easy to attach a gate too. With Gypsy getting out we decided it was time to make one.
 I love that my hubby is so handy. He can make anything he even halfway tries to. He took some old barn wood we have in a pile in the backyard and turned it into a gate.
 We started with just open slats and I liked being able to still see through it but we decided the dogs could probably slip through there still so we added more slats on the other side.
 The finished gate
 Also with Gypsy getting out we needed to reinforce our kennels again to make it a little harder for her to dig out. Brent was tearing down a fence and getting rid of some railroad ties so we went over to his property to get some. We brought home 8 ties.
 Our kennels originally looked like this,with the brush truck parked where that back gate is sitting. The two girls kennels were next to each other with shooters on the side. I got to looking and decided it would look better if we put all the kennels in a row. It would free up a little more of the yard.
 So we cut down a few of the little trees there. Moved the stuff out of Shooters kennel and worked on moving it to the north closer to Rue. Then took Gypsy's kennel with the reinforced panels and moved it to the south. 
 We had to cut and measure ties to like each one of the kennels with on the inside
 All the kennels are now lined with railroad ties and in a nice line along the fence. We just need to get one more dog house since Gypsy will be in her own kennel now and we will be set.

Unca Chris and Ry had to clean up the brownie bowl

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