Sunday, November 27, 2011


There is someone I haven't blogged about yet
My friend CW
I had the opportunity to go out to his going away family Thanksgiving (on the 21st) dinner last week.
He just joined the Air Force
His family is awesome!
They were so sweet and so fun!
I had an absolute blast!
Since he was going to be gone for Thanksgiving that was the theme for the dinner

While we were at his house one of his relatives who is a professional handwriting analyst analyzed my handwriting
It was so interesting!!
I had to write my name and then write a sentence
Then he started looking at my handwriting in front of the whole family
The first thing he said was wow!
He asked me if I played sports when I was younger.
I said yes soccer.
He asked if I did a lot of physical things
Again yes
Then he said that I was very honest
Honesty showed strongly through there and there was so much he wanted to shake my hand because I was a very honest person.
He said Im very optimistic. Im analytical. I take my time to think through situations and dont just react
But I am able to make quick split second decisions when needed.
I have very strong intuition and a very strong mothers intuition.
My mind rules my heart and my heart rules my life.
Im stubborn and not to piss me off lol
That my heart is very guarded right now and Im trying to get over a hurt in my past.
That Im a little bit of a procrastinator.
My self confidence could use some work
I need to make my goals bigger in life and make them more long term but its going to take some work.
He kept talking about how he liked what he saw and I had great fluidity

I had never met this man in my life before
He didnt know a single thing about me
CW hadnt talked to him about me at all before
All this just from how I write!

Since CW was going to be gone for Christmas he even bought Kennedy and I presents!
When we went to the movies not long ago he bought her a kids pack with popcorn
She refused to eat it because she doesnt like yellow popcorn.
She only likes PINK popcorn
He'd bought her a big tub of PINK popcorn and a princess coloring book and crayons
How sweet

Two days later he was sworn into the Air Force and left for Texas!
Good Luck CW!

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