Friday, May 4, 2012

Turkey Hunting w my dad

Turkey hunt opened on Monday
Dad and I went up nice and early to our usual spot
We werent getting hardly any response on our calls
Didnt see much sign of turkeys either
We walked around for a little bit and had one gobbling not far from us
There was a big pile of downed trees/logs/branches that was right between us and him
We had him working his way up to where we were
All he needed to do was just come around the pile just a little bit and he was mine
He was ALMOST there when a stupid hen showed up and started popping
Scared him off and he was gone
That was about all we saw or heard after that
Tried a few other places but werent able to access them
Ended up kind of a bust for the day but I always look forward to hunting w my dad so it was nice still

We went hunting again on Wednesday night after Chris and I found a ton Tuesday
Dad and I found NOTHING!!!
He brougth his decoys just in case
We did run into my brother in law haha
We almost walked up on him before we saw him
Wednesday was a bust
It was a good hike though!

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