Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I had to work this Halloween at 6pm
Kennedy and I made dirt cupcakes with gummy worms on them and delivered them to a few friends.
She took some upstairs to Bert in her cute Rapunzel outfit and Trick or Treated
I was able to take Kennedy around a few places before I had to go into work
We stopped at my moms so she could get some pictures
Went and saw Teri at work, Aunt Kathy, my friend Hailey's house, Kris's house and then to my work!
She was able to come out on the floor and trick or treat at the consoles
We went across the hall and visited Grandpa and the firemen
and then she went with her dad
It was so nice to see all the kids and grand kids of the people I work with in their cute little costumes!!
We had a big pot luck and had 2 tables full of food!
All those who came in had something to eat and we still had so much food left over!

1 comment:

Joni said...

Miss K looks so adorable! I'm glad you got to enjoy it even though you had to work :)