Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First day of 2nd grade

Monday was this girls first day at her new school. I had big plans. I was going to be one of 'those moms' the first day of school. We were going to get up early. Eat fresh baked cinnamon rolls (from a can) get her hair all done up cute.. take 100 pictures and then walk to the bus stop. 
Yeah that didnt happen.
I set my alarm for 6am. Plenty of time. Well it didnt snooze. It just turned off. We woke up at 6:45 in a panic. The bus came last year at 7:15 but school starts 20 min earlier this year so we were going to try and be at the bus stop b 7:05 just in case they didn't tell anyone of the time change. We got her showered, hair done, teeth brushed and a granola bar in her backpack for breakfast, lunch packed in record time. We even took a few pictures on the front porch. 
She picked out her own outfit. She saw this shirt at Smith and Edwards and HAD to have it for the first day of school. Shes been planning on wearing it for weeks. Her two favorite things pink and camo!
2nd Grade
We were off to the bus stop. Its just right around the block from our house. 
Its actually in front of a lady's house who has a daycare. She used to watch me and the twins when we were younger and I baby sat her boys. I told Kennedy if anything ever happens after school when she gets off the bus and something is wrong to go to her house and she will help her or get a hold of me. She looked at me funny and I said "its ok I know her. She used to babysit me" she looks at me with this horrified look on her face and says "wow she must be REALLY OLD if she used to baby sit you!!!!"
She wanted me to wait at the bus stop with her until it showed up. I waited there like a creeper parent until she got on the bus and started to head home. I was FINE until I saw her get on the bus and then I got all teary eyed. My baby girls off on the bus to a new place with a new teacher and new kids!
Of course she was fine. She always is. I took our breakfast cinnamon rolls and had them just coming out of the oven as she got home from school. She LOVED IT and said it was the best day ever. She likes her teacher and made new friends and saw her old friends and had so much fun. Yay!

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