Sunday, July 22, 2012

Truck Pulls

Last night Chris, Kennedy, Hunter (his bro) and I went to the truck pulls in Tremonton
It was so hot when we first got there
They started at 4pm
They had all kinds of categories, stock gas, stock diesel, modified, super modified, alcohol trucks, semis, on and on 
Some of them did awesome
The dodges seriously seemed to dominate
They had a 1984 Camero that was a mudder car try and he actually did pretty good!
Its redneck I know.. but I love the smoke!!!!!
I know more smoke equals less power but dang to watch it billow out..
Kennedy made a cute little friend
His dad works with Chris and this boy was so cute!!
He LOVED the trucks
and Kennedy
He kept giving her kisses
I was getting tired and was sitting with my head on Chris's shoulder
He came over and gave me one of those looks and a big kiss
I bust out laughing
I told Chris he thinks he can put the moves on your girlfriend!
They had a monster truck there that for 5 bucks they'd let you ride in the back and take you out around the arena
Kennedy had so much fun
I was worried she would be scared since it was so high
Complete opposite
She wanted to go again and was laughing
She also fell asleep half way through the alcohol trucks
The loudest freakin trucks there and she crashed

I know people laugh and make fun of the beer drinking, rowdy, tooth missing, mullet wearing, redneck truck pull crowd but I do have to say that is the MOST respect I have EVER seen at an event during the National Anthem
People stood and paid respect to the flag prior to being asked
Every hat was off
There was no talking or laughing during it
A guy across the arena from us was standing and saluting and it made me tear up
You could just feel the respect level for the flag and this country during it
It was amazing

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