Thursday, July 12, 2012


This was our final game before the tournament
Mom came and watched
Dad and Chris played
MarDee and her kids came to cheer us on also
It was a good thing she did 
I needed her band aids

I was first up to bat and hit a high one to outfield just past second
Luckily they didnt catch it but picked it up pretty fast
I knew it was going to be close if I was going to make it or not

 About halfway and I add a little more to my running.. well I leaned a little bit too far forward and my feet arent keeping up 
 I TOTALLY EAT IT HARD about 4 feet from the base.. I mean bad.. go down on both my knees.. slam my elbow.. and do a somersault sideways so that I land just a few inches from the base and facing the wrong way.
my shirts half up and I am covered in dirt
I start laughing so hard and get up
 both knees are running with blood.. my elbow is too. my backs scraped up. i have chunks of dirt in my shorts that are shaking out my leg

and all cause I tripped.
The ump whose done a few of our games, super sweet guy, is so concerned and Im laughing
 he kept asking me are you ok?! are you sure!? the way you went down I thought you tore your achilies
it happneed last game only the guy never got up
 I said nope nothing cool like that im just clumsy
 It was epic
 Freakin first two seconds of the game and im bleeding and covered in dirt. I had to borrow bandaids from mardee cause they wouldnt quit bleeding
She had ones that said Weber 911 on them from a safety fair so we had to take a picture
best part was THREE SECONDS BEFORE I fell
Kyla, Mardees daugther, said to Chris
 "I only come to the games to watch Hailey, Jess and Kim hoping one of them will run and trip"

Guess what
WE WON!!!!
The last inning we were tied 11-11
We shut them down!
They got 3 outs pretty much in a row
Which put us into overtime
We were next up to bat and scored few runs..8 to be exact
Then it was their turn
They scored one run but got 3 outs pretty fast
Final score 19-12

One thing about our team is we really keep a great attitude
We have only won two games
even when we are losing we still have fun
and enjoy it

This team tonight had a bad attitude
Once the game was tied they started calling foul on everything, calling names, blocking baselines and bases, trying to pick fights with the guys on our team, making fun of us from the dug out
Then when it came time to slap hands at the end several of them wouldn't even do it

Come on people this is all about fun
Im proud of the fact that our team can see that

We ended up scoring 14 runs in 2 innings!

1 comment:

Derek and Erica said...

OMG, you didnt mention this the other day jess when we were talking about the game!! hahaha. What team was it? what poor sports!!

Im still laughing about your fall...(: