Wednesday, October 16, 2013

287-vitamins and breast milk

I love these treats.. they have purple sour patch kids in them.. plus they are zombie.. whats not to love!
 Unnamed puppy.. possibly Duke
Chris went and bought him a gate to keep him in the kitchen. I dont want him anywhere we have carpet or furniture.He also got him a chew rope, new bowls, puppy treats... I think its safe to say Chris is pretty excited about the pup. He walked out to take out the garbage and pup was heartbroken. He stood up on the gate watching and whimpering for him to come back
I have started feeling like poo lately. I havent been too sure whether I actually have a cold or its allergies. Its all in my lungs and sinuses so it makes it hard to decide. I had to have Chris bring me my inhaler at work the other day. It could be from the puppy til I get used to his dander.. or it could be from the cold thats going around so to be safe I started off my morning with my ACE (love that stuff) allergy pill, and two vitamin C's
Doesnt hurt to throw in some diet coke and lime too!
So I have this issue with breast milk.. its creepy to me. I dont mind it for the baby and all. I understand that but for other purposes its weird to me, like people who feed it to their families or cook with it. Gross. Elysha mass produces... we're talking like 60oz a day. She has been looking for places to donate it too that doesnt charge the babies they give it to. Like if you DONATE it to the hospital they charge the babies in the NICU $3.50 an oz for the milk. She started looking on websites for donation places (the closest facility is in Colorado by the way) and found creepy adds for men looking to nurse.. talking about how their latch is good.. and then body builders who want to buy it.. one guy wants it for his glaucoma..another for his for diabetes.. I mean really people!? So we started talking about how she pretty much produces magic. Its a cure all. 
Fast forward a few days and Macee and Elysha have a sinus cold. They go in for a Macees checkup and the pediatrician tells her the best thing to treat it.. drop breast milk into the babies eyes. It absorbs right into the body faster and is so full of antibodies and good stuff that its better than any medicine she can give her. We decided she pretty much is making magic. So when I woke up a few days later feeling yucky I text her this lol!

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