Sunday, July 6, 2014

Muzzleloader/Archery shoot

After the parade Jana and Tammy (Taylors mom) were the cashiers/order takers for the Coke wagon. Todd and I were inside filling orders and Chris was the go between on what we needed to the cooks. It was a long day! We busted butt. 
 At 1 Todd and I got assigned to go up to the annual muzzle loader shoot and be on stand by up there with a brush truck in case there were any problems. IT WAS SO HOT. We stood outside with them for a few minutes but then decided too dang bad. Weve been running all day long in the heat and sat in the truck with the a/c on. I had all my gear in the truck but no way was I going to be wearing pants and boots. I just threw a pair of boots and socks in the truck so I could change clothes quickly if we got called to anything. I had to dry the leg sweat off. It was that hot.

 Snugglin my peanut and letting her cool off!
We had all the kids in Kyle F's mega cab truck with the DVD player going and the air conditioner. They loved it
The boys could only stay contained so long. They started climbing this huge dirt pile. It was 101 degress outside. The ground was on fire.
 But these boys slide down the hill. I dont know how they could handle it!

Then they'd climb right back up and do it again.
Macee hung out under the canopy eating popsicles instead of climbing hills like her brother.

 Dad and Todd had to respond on a fire not long after we got there out on the freeway. So I stayed with the truck and kept watch while they melted along the side of the road. When they got back Dad had missed most the shoot. He shot in one of the final novelty shoots they had.
 Wynn Zundel aka Bears Butt came up with a new shoot this year. He had a string ran out from the bucket to a target. You had to sever the smaller string which would make the bucket drop water on him.
 They let the archers go first thinking theyd have a hard time with it. They even let them stand closer. But they didnt see that they knew about the shoot and brought broad heads for a little more of an advantage. The archers all shot at once.
  Shafer was the winner. He cut the string and soaked the Butt

 It took the muzzle loader boys forever to cut the string. FINALLY they did.
Once again Bears Butt you outdid yourself! What a great shoot and what a great support to the Fire Dept! Thank you!

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