Monday, January 9, 2012

A dispatchers worst nightmare

There are only a few things I am going to talk about in this post
There are some things that are confidential and I cant
On Wednesday night January 4th a dispatchers worst nightmare came true
We had 6 officers shot in one incident
It was complete controlled chaos
I say controlled because everyone involved did such a great job
Dispatchers, medical, ems, firemen, CSI, admin etc

Regardless of whether you know the officers personally or just professionally it is such a devastation
They put themselves in line of danger every day for little thanks and little appreciation
We are a family here
This has been a loss of a family member and injury to 5 others
As a dispatcher its our job to make sure officers are safe
We know where they are
We are there if they need us
We provide resources in an instant whether we have them or not
Its a dispatchers worst nightmare to have an officer down call
and then to find out its not just one officer
But 6
I am so very proud to be included into the Law Enforcement community where when a brother is in need all officers proved selfless and rushed to help the downed brethren
Where all agencies worked so well together and were wanting to do more
To sacrifice for their brothers in blue
To help out in the mourning process and do whatever they can to assist
To witness the sorrow and pain is such a hard thing
To know it was so senseless in the battle of good vs evil
These officers were doing their job
They were protecting citizens and the community
However out of all this incredible sorrow and hurt there is a miracle
Such a humbling experience to witness
Everyone coming together to support
as a community
as an agency
as a symbol of what they protect
Citizens, Officers, Dispatchers, Law Enforcement, EMS, Fire,
People who have never met the ones involved leaving random thank you notes on officers cars
Giving an officer a hug in the 711 and just telling them thank you
The countless flowers that have been received in dispatch and the police department
Its nice to know that in such a horrific tragedy caused by one person that it can bring groups of people together in support
I am proud of my dispatch family
They are amazing and are taking on this horrible incident with their shoulders squared and hearts heavy
But supporting each other, supporting the officers, and coming into work ready for another day
To take on another task
and to serve the public just like its any other day
Because that's what we do
If we don't do it no one else will
I am proud to work for such an amazing agency
To work with such incredible people
And to have the opportunity to serve a great public


Grandma Duffy said...

Thanks for your service for all of us, too! You probably don't get thanked enough either!

The Teuschers said...

I wish I could just cut & copy all that you've said over the last few weeks. You do such a good job of putting everything into words, that's something that I always struggle with, especially with everything that's happened. Thank you for all that you do!