Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Honeymoom non highlights- Real life

So you ever hear a really bad song and it gets stuck in your head and no matter what the chorus wont leave??
Yeah that happened and since our honeymoon Ive had to listen to this song over and over
Oh our honeymoon.. thats evolved into its own story!
As you know we went to the Blue Moon bar in Lava..
High class as you can expect
They serve wine from a box.. no lie and dont have Disaronno

When we were hanging out in the bar we had this hippie bartender who Im pretty sure was stoned out of his mind while he was making our drink...
He was dancing around and talking to himself
He is waiter #1
Then we had waitress #2
I wasnt sure if she was pregnant or not...her tank top was nice and round on her belly.. but as she was making us drinks she was smoking and having a drink or two herself.. so lets hope she was just rockin the beer gut..
Waiter #1 hippie man sucked at making drinks
They were so strong you couldnt even sip them
I know Idaho and Utah are different.. but it was bad
So waiter #1 hippie man made my drinks
Poss prego waitress #2 made Chris's drinks
We paid everything in cash
We had a little bit to drink and the band playing SUCKED lol
It was bad but we were still having fun
So this is back to the song stuck in your head
They played Beds are Burning by Midnight Oil
The stinkin chorus has been stuck in my head for days..
How do we sleep when our beds are burning.. bla!
We are done by midnight.. getting ready to stumble back to our hotel room and say goodbye to all our friends
Chris tells me that he needs to get his debit card back from Waitress #2
He had used his card to pay for the round of shots he bought
He had enough cash to pay for everything else throughout the night but that
He gets his card.. we stumble the 4 blocks back to our hotel room
He somehow gets his clothes off, falls face down on the bed and is out before I can finish going to the bathroom
I climb in bed and the spins start
Not the normal little spins..
The oh my gosh im spinning in circles and sideways spins..
So needless to say I spent part of the night puking up Jeager and sleeping on the bathroom floor
Fast forward the next morning
We wake up and discuss the events of the night.. look at pictures and I fill in his blank spots
We're just giggling and laughing about the fun we had
We havent had a night like that in a long long time
I tell him about giving the waitress his debit card.. he checks his wallet and hes got it back 
Checks the receipt to see what he spent
Not too bad.
We pack up and head home
Breakfast is out of the question
A few days later he notices $50 came out of his bank account from Blue Moon not $37
Even though he doesn't remember much he swears he didn't give a tip on the card he used cash.. and lets be honest even intoxicated hes not that good of a tipper for not that great of service
So he calls the bar.. after a day or so of back and forth they refund the difference
Poss prego waitress #2 ADDED HER OWN tip to the credit card..
How do we know you ask???
She wasnt smart enough to use the same color ink when she added on the tip than what his signature was on the card!

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