Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ice Cream

Kennedy and Parker just crack me up.
They're too funny when you get them together.
I had Parker for just a few minutes today and we went to get ice cream at Sonic.
Kennedy was wearing her Snow White Dress and Crown...
Parker was in a T-shirt and flame boxers with no shoes..
And this is why we opted for a drive thru!!
Parker and Kennedy were talking away in the back and eating their ice cream..
Conversations they have just are too much sometimes.

Kennedy said "remember Parker I'm your dead wife and you're my husband"
And then the talked about getting married. Parker would be the husband. Kennedy the Queen.

Kennedy spilled on her dress and said "oh dang it! I got ice cream on my dress!!"
Parker said "me too Kennedy! I got ice cream on my dress!!"
Poor boy doesn't have a chance.. He's so boy and masculine.. but he's SO surrounded by girls!

Elysha was almost to our house so we just hung out in the driveway.
These two yahoos were hanging out the window watching a movie
The movie was the cars on the highway passing by

They would laugh and giggle.
Make comments about the cars
Call the dog Mangus over
Giggle some more

1 comment:

Joni said...

LOL at "I'm your dead wife"! I love the snow white outfit too, she is at the funnest age and it's double fun to have cousins to play with :)