Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Peanut wore her backpack all day long
She had it packed full of toys to take with her just in case we went somewhere
She was prepared! 
Her legs are getting so long!! 
I cant believe it
We ended up having to go up to my moms to help her with another project
I cooked all of us dinner while we were there
I wanted to take Chris on a four wheeler ride so we took my moms wheeler and took off
There was a cave I hadn't been to in almost 10 years
I knew the area it was in but couldn't remember exactly where it was at
Didnt find the cave but found a cool trail to walk on
We climbed the top of this and also down into the bottom
Its a lot steeper and higher than it looks
I love taking pictures of him when hes not looking
I always seem to get better ones that way
We hiked on top of a big pile of rocks
I made him bring his gun in case there were any rattlesnakes

So during this hike it was HOT
Yucky hot
I was sweating so bad
My shirt was sticking to me
I thought you know what...
Boys can hike shirtless
Why cant girls
So I took my shirt off
Guess what 
It was a million degrees cooler!!!!
I mean I had a bra on
Not any different than a swim suit
Chris just laughed at me
He told me its not the same
I said why my nipples are covered that's all that matters
Sometimes I dont think hes quite sure what to do with me

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