Saturday, December 1, 2012

Aunt Jessys Day Care

Thursday I had a house full
I got to watch sweet Ry-bug while Ash worked
She was so good and fun!!
Kinlie and Kennedy loved feeding her
Liz was sick so I took her some soup she wanted, took Kinlie to school, took Kennedy school and did all the pickups. I told Liz Kinlie was just going to stay with us all day and over night so she could get better 
Rylee went home and Parker came over
We were making Christmas crafts
They were all playing upstairs as I was getting it ready and came down with tape all over their faces
We made cornstarch ornaments
It was harder than I expected
While they baked the triplets watched a movie and cuddled on the couch
Then it was time to paint
Parker went home and Kinlie stayed the night
Kennedy wrote a K on each of her ornaments and I made one for Chris and I for our first year :)
We hung them on the tree the next day

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