Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I dont know what it is about having a kid.. but suddenly they make you feel old
I keep finding us doing things with Kennedy that I remember as a LITTLE LITTLE kid with my dad.. and then here I am with my DAUGHTER in the same place.. at my parents age
Before I realize it I feel way too old for 27!
The other night before the death flu hit our house in the adult section Chris had to go to the station to do a few things.. 
Kennedy and I tagged along
This will seem weird to some.. but I've never really been inside the Brigham City Fire station
Back in the day when I used to run with WCFD there wasn't a lot of mutual love between the depts
 (thats all changed now of course) 
but we didn't go play on each others turfs much.. and to be honest it kinda felt like I was trading teams!
Kennedy and I looked around in the bays
Chris let her play on some trucks
She was in heaven
When she grows up she wants to be a dispatcher.. and a fireman.. and a veterinarian
She plans on having 3 jobs

It was right at this point.. taking this picture when the oldness hit me..
I did the same exact thing at her age
Played on the trucks while my dad did stuff in the station
Sat in the seats
Pretended I was a fireman
This was just too cute to not take a picture of
Chris's locker next to his dads :)
He gave us a grand tour of the whole station
I was amazed at how HUGE it actually was and all that it had!
He had to pull this truck back into the bay
Its a new one they bought from Ogden city
My DAD has driven this truck MANY times
Of course he cant just pull it back into the doors
He had to take Kennedy around the block
She thought it was the coolest thing ever
Then he turned on the lights and sirens in another truck for her 
It was like our own little family field trip ha

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