Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tolerance and Respect

I cant help but join this debate.. normally I dont say too much because I understand that everyone feels differently about different topics.. however this one has gotten to the point of ridiculousness in my opinion

We are all different. We all have different views, opinions, circumstances we've been through in our lives that shape who we are and what we believe. Thats part of what makes America great. The freedom to choose who we are and what we believe.  I am an avid hunter. A Christian. A meat eater. I have friends who are anti hunting, liberal, atheists or vegans. That doesn't matter to me. The reason we can still be friends and get along is because of tolerance and respect. We respect the fact that each other believe in different things. We have had different reasons in our lives to make us believe differently.

I have no issue with anyone who doesnt like guns. Who doesnt want to shoot. Who doesnt understand them so they dont handle them. That is your choice and I completely respect that. 100% I have an issue with individuals who cant respect my RIGHTS to possess firearms. To defend myself. My family. Friends. Strangers. My Country.  I have a right to those. I will enforce my right.

Since the beginning there has been evil.. the snake in the garden. Even at that time before the fall we had the ability to make choices. We as individuals are responsible for our choices. Others make choices that influence us. I understand that. We cant control others.

The problem in this country is so much more broad than gun control. You already have to have a background check to legally purchase a firearm. Guess what.. the majority of those who are wreaking havoc on society.. on the innocent.. on the elderly.. the small children.. the individuals are NOT the law abiding citizens. They are not the ones going through the background checks. Why make laws harder on those who follow them? Why punish those who are doing whats right. Who respect the laws and guns? Do you really think that making stricter laws that arent being followed by criminals already is going to make more of a difference?

Why do we not start addressing repeat offenders??? Why do we not start showing tolerance for those in the communities who are different?? Why as a society are we not trying harder to help those with a mental illness? To help the families who are the caretakers of those individuals. Not just say.. sorry insurance wont cover it, you're on your own.

No matter what if someone wants to hurt another they can. It doesnt matter if they use/support/or possess guns, bombs, automobiles, homemade weapons, knives, drugs. If that is what they want they will create whatever is needed to fulfill their wishes. Why in the world would we want to leave ourselves defenseless??

I find it complete cowardice of those businesses who have stopped selling firearms out of 'respect'. Answer me this. What respect at all does it show to not sell firearms to those legally able to possess them? How is it respect to say I dont want you to be able to defend yourself or your family. Those businesses obviously do not understand WHY they are selling firearms. A mentally ill man made a horrible choice. It truly is very very sad that it happened. I cant even imagine being a parent who lost. Its truly tragic. But by showing fear what does that accomplish?

All these bans and proposals do is cause hate. Anger. Drive up the prices of weapons and ammunition. Instead of causing all this contention why dont we go proactive instead of defensive?? Educate. Educate. Educate. People fear what they dont understand. Talk to kids. Talk to parents. Talk to school officials. Managers of store and businesses.. Take this as an opportunity to discuss the societal faux paus of mental illnesses. How to deal with different individuals. Have plans in place in case something does happen. And more than anything RESPECT the RIGHTS of others to have different opinions and feelings. Show tolerance  for those who are different. Lend a helping hand to those who need it.

And most of all.. dont try and take away my rights. Thats why this country was founded to begin with. The ones being legal arent causing the problems..if someone isn't abiding by the current laws what makes you believe they will follow new ones.

In God we Trust


erin said...
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erin said...

I'm so glad to hear someone attempt a rational, calm discussion about this.

Too many times, when the idea of "gun control" is brought up, the immediate reaction of gun owners is, "NO ONE IS TAKING MY GUNS AWAY!!!" When any dialogue is stopped because of this line, no one gets anywhere. The truth is, it's very VERY unlikely that anyone will come to take anyone's guns away.

Gun owners and non gun owners alike need to find a way to have a civil discussion on the idea of "gun control". It's a given that even though something is illegal, it is still available. Making it harder for a civilian to purchase a firearm through proper channels is likely not the issue. It's the people that seek improper channels that are the issue.

Do I have a problem with gun owners who have educated themselves and obtained their firearms legally? No.
Do I have a problem with gun owners who have purchased an AK47 with cash? Yes.
Because really, what is the purpose of an assault weapon?

For me, the bottom line is education and purpose. Non gun owners need to realize that gun owners have their right to bear arms, and gun owners need to come to terms with the fact that just because it shoots bullets, does not necessarily mean you need to own it.

I appreciate your rational take on this, Jess. This is a heated issue to address, and I'm glad to see someone do it eloquently.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Erin! You're exactly right. Rational discussions need to take place. People get so heated because the believe so strongly. I feel both sides do have some valid points. There is truth in both feelings. I just don't ever want to see it where a logical and reasonable choice cannot be made by a competent individual