Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today I woke up pissy
Short tempered
For no reason at all
I just was
It was actually a good day
No reason to cause my discontent

As the day went on it lingered with me
I couldn't shake it

But then as I was sitting there getting frustrated over something so minuscule that really was DUMB
I realized something

I was very LUCKY to get to wake up to be pissed
I was lucky to get to complain about things
I was blessed to have one more day to piss off people, see my friends and family, live learn and be tested
I was given a gift of one more day
I dont know how many I have
No one does 
So I wasted half the day being angry
Now its time to spend the other half enjoying it

I walked instead of ran through the rain as I came back into the building
I stressed less about dates and plans 
 money and Christmas 
planning, scheduling

Then I saw this quote.. and it kind of solidified it 

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