Monday, September 2, 2013

244- Enchilada dinner

Sunday night my parents had the Sunday dinner at their house
Chris and Todd were ungrounded for that night so they could come into Willard
Dad only knows how to cook in mass quantities.. and if there are more than two people eating that equals a lot of food per person
You know like 6 pans of enchiladas for 15 people lol!
Kennedy and Rylee sat at the big little kids table
Rylee has to emulate everything Kennedy does and follows her around
Kennedy loves to assume the big sister roll with her
Before Rylee got there she told me "Mom its my responsibility to watch Rylee. I'll take care of her while she's here and if she needs her diaper changed I'll take diaper duty. I can handle it dont worry"
So they sat at the table and ate with their forks and Kennedy gave Ry her last chip
Kennedy was stoked she got her own butter knife..Shes a big kid now

and whats a party with out washers! 
It was played until it was dark out!
There was a house full so plenty of teams to play!
Tyler and Crystal (Kyles parents) Dakota (his brother) Phil, Mom, Dad, Todd, Jana, Hunter, Ash, Ry, Liz, Kyle, Me, Kennedy, Chris

 Dessert was rhubarb crumble and rocky road fudge 

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