Monday, September 23, 2013

262- Fall crafts and softball

Thursday after working from 0400-1000 I headed home to go craft with Elysha. I had this cute idea I wanted to try out. She didnt like my idea at first.. she wanted to do something different but then decided my idea was pretty awesome. I picked up her and Macee Moo.. well I should say I tried..
As I pull onto her street the older people.. aka the neighborhood grandparents are out in full circlings.. like sharks waiting to eat. Elysha had just walked Parker to school so you know what that means.. the baby came out of the house. Elysha has several grandparents that live around her house and they are always waiting to see the baby or coming over as soon as they get up with a casserole or something just so they can see her. One doesnt even make excuses anymore. He just shows up around 8am and asks to see Macee. All the cousins (Kinlie and Kennedy) just refer to the people as Grandpa and Grandma and thats how they want to be called. So as I approach the drive I see two at the edge of her driveway on the sidewalk talking. Another across the street in their yard and I cant see Elysha. Which means I have to get out of the car. I open the door and the two at the edge of the driveway tell me shes next door and then I see her under the car port. One of the other Grandmas is holding Macee. Elysha ALMOST made it home with the jogger before they attacked. The one who told me where she was had already seen her twice that morning and Parker too. Of course he is sweet and asks how Kennedy and I are.. tells her how big shes getting..the usual grandparent routine. They are sincere about it and super sweet! The one guy watches Elyshas house if shes out of town or gone to the store. Any strange cars pull into her driveway and he goes and investigates to see what they want. We run into him in Walmart all the time and hes always talking to everyone.
We talk with the lady under the carport for a while. Kennedy had a great idea on the way there and tells Elysha and the lady. 
"my idea is we go to lunch at Wendys and then go to dessert at Yogurt Factory and you can come with us too!" After about 15 minutes we get the baby back.. We head to her driveway and talk with the other two at the end of the yard. Finally get the baby and the child into the car and the doors shut. As soon as that happens they dissipate. Suddenly they remember why they were outside.. going to the grocery store.. had to wash the boat.. was taking out the garbage. Its hilarious. I laugh every time. 
We head to get a drink. You cant start a shopping adventure with out a Dr Pepper and Coke from McDonalds. Its just not right. I have her grab me some cash out of my purse and she is in hysterics that I have a bunch of ones in there. Shes rolling on the floor practically. I told her dont you ever end up with a bunch of change? use a 20 and get a bunch of ones.. stuff them in your purse.. go into somewhere and grab a 5 and get ones back.. put them in your pocket.. before you know it you accumulate a bunch of ones. She wasnt buying it. She took a picture and posted on Facebook I was now a stripper lol! Oh sisters!
 There is a fruit stand in Perry that I saw had HUGE white pumpkins. They were a must for the project. Only they didnt look as ginormous from the road as they were once you walked up to them! We picked out two and went to pay for them. They were only $5 a piece!! We asked the lady if there was a guy there to help us load them. We had our pick between an 80 year old man or a 12 year old teenager.. she looked at me and Elysha and said..."both of you are bigger than he is... but we will let him help" ha! So Elysha and this scrawny 12 year old tried to pick up this huge pumpkin and carry it to the car. People in the fruit stand were stopping and starring at us. I was laughing so hard!
We get her pumpkin to the car and it wont fit in my trunk! its too wide AND too tall!! now what!??! We scoot Kennedy over and squish it in next to her and Macee. You can see how BIG it is.. and its slick and round. The stems are tiny so there really is no place to hold onto! I picked out more of a rounder one and was able to BARELY fit it into the trunk with some wiggling. It had a flat spot on the back and that was the only saving grace
 We are hysterically laughing by this point. We really didnt think we would need a truck for two pumpkins! We had to stop at her house to drop hers off because we were out of room. We got it out of the car and rolled it to the porch
Next we went in search of what we needed to decorate it. I found this super cute owl I HAD to buy for the door. I LOVE FALL 
Kennedy had wanted to get some decorations for her room. I let her pick out two things. She got Halloween window clings and a spider. She wants to hang the spider from her ceiling so it will scare people when they walk into her room. She came down SO frustrated "MOM! These stickers we bought wont stick to my wall! That is just not right!!!" I explained to her honey they are WINDOW clings.. like at Grandmas house. She was all smiles again! "Thanks for telling me mom!" and she was off to put them up. She has rearranged them several times since 
My plan for the pumpkins was to make a big R on it out of fake leaves and then glitter them and tie a bow on top. I drew an R on with a pencil and started hot gluing leaves onto it
I tied a simple brown ribbon with orange stitching on the top. I sprayed the leaves with that spray hair glitter to make them shinny and sparkly
 Now my porch is a little more festive!!
 Elysha ended up painting her D on and using a bunch of cute ribbon on her stem! I love them both!
Later on that night we had two softball games. One at 6 and one at 8. Chris didnt get off til 430 so we just met him down at the field a little after 5 with some pizza and a change of clothes. Our first game went pretty well. We won 32-4
 Between games was my friend Jenny's (Jp) moms viewing. She passed away the week before from Amyloidosis. The viewing was from 6-8 in North Ogden. We hurried and finished our game just before 7 and ran over there in our softball clothes to show her some support. The line was HUGE. We knew there was no way at all we would make it through there in time. So we did the worst thing ever. We cut in a viewing line! I know! Well kind of. We walked up to the exit where everyone was coming out and waved to Jp. Then one of our other friends was in there with her so we went and stood with all them and talked and hugged JP. I guess it kinda doesn't count because we didnt officially go through the line lol. We just stood in the area of the casket and talked with her and she walked us out. Jp is on our softball team but the night of the first game her mom passed and then the viewing was the night of the second game. Id warned her we would be there but be dusty and in shorts and our shirts! We got some funny looks! We had just enough time to hurry back to the field before the next game started.

The next team we played was really good. We had a tough game. Oh and we also had 4 injured players from the first game! We had two people pull something in their legs and had to have runners in game 1. I had to be a runner so I had to run twice as much. Game two our pitcher made it about half way through before he was done from an injury. And game 1 Chris pulled his quad BAD. Like it instantly swelled up and turned red..Oh and dont worry our coach/player has bronchitis... so we were a real fine group the second game ahha!

 It was getting dark and there wasnt anyone for game 2 for Kennedy to hang out with so she came and sat in the dugout with us so we could keep an eye on her. Chris E shared her sunflower seeds with her. Jason (our coach/player)'s sons made sure she was safe from any fly balls as they played bat boys
This ended up being the first game we have lost but it wasnt a whopping! We lost 5-11. Not going to complain about that though! We were all exhausted. Beat. Cold. Hurt ha! PLUS the team we played almost all the men play on a mens comp team.. and most the women do too!

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