Monday, September 30, 2013

272- Cutting and Moms Bday

Sunday I was off work. It was fabulous! I took it off for the hunt. We went down at 9am to help Mom, Dad, Dennis and Kathy cut up 2 pigs. Dennis's brother raised them and we made them into steaks, chops, roasts, country sausage and hot Italian sausage 
Chris had never cut a pig before sot his was a new one for him!
Chris and Dennis
Dad cutting roasts
Mom and Kathy wrapping
Dennis trimming the pork
Chris making pork chops
Kathy makes an amazing cream cheese dip.. I love it. She brought that, some salami, crackers and cheese for snacks. We brought a cooler full of drinks
 Dennis making ground sausage
After we finished up the pork we cleaned up and started on Chris's deer. It had a good layer of fat on it which usually means a good winter is coming! We can only hope!!!
My little brother (not really but is) who shot the elk wanted to come down and help us cut. I still cant get used to him all bearded up! I still think of him as little baby faced Kyle

I think he kind of missed us and wanted to come play!
 After a while his dad wife and two kids came down to help. Kennedy had a blast playing with Domink and Kesleigh
 Goofy kids!
 We were done cutting by 1! Not bad at all. We went home. Cleaned. Made lunch. Baked cornbread and Mom a camo birthday cake

While I was doing this Chris went on a call for Willard. 
When he got home we headed up to his parents house. As we were passing the Perry station they paged for a rollover in Perry canyon. Willard and Perry departments are combined. If you're on one you are on both. We do drills and train together but there is a station in Willard and one in Perry. Perry is first responder only though. They don't have fire equipment. So we dropped Chris off at the station and went to his parents house. 
Rylee missed Kennedy. She loves her so much and gets so excited when she gets to see her. She wasnt letting go!
Chris got back to the station just as dinner was getting done. I went and picked him up. Moms birthday was that Monday so it was fitting to do her dinner Sunday night while everyone was together. I made a 55 out of candles.. Chris grabbed the fire extinguisher after we lit them and brought it out. 
Her camo cake
She got her favorite presents.. blue fuzzy boxes.. She LOVES blue fuzzy boxes because inside them is Montana Silversmith jewelry. Chris and I got her the earrings and Dad got her the necklace to match.
Happy Birthday Mom! After dinner we went and visited Miss Macee. Isnt she adorable!


Unknown said...

Jessica----can I just tell you HOW MUCH I ADORE YOU????
and by the way---you look so HAPPY!
do you live in perry?

thank you for your post on my blog, I read it 50 times now. and looked at your blog many times. thank you for your bravery and example to me. love you!
your friend....Annie.. :)

Unknown said...

aww youre so sweet! Thats funny cause I adore you!!! Lol we live in Willard now. I hope my post helps!! I love how happy YOU are again :)