Sunday, September 8, 2013

247-Dove Hunt

My hair was driving me crazy
It needed trimmed so bad. It was to the point the ends were nasty and all I did was wear it in a pony tail. I finally broke down and called my hair girl. I dont know why I wait so long in between but I do. I had her take off a good 4 inches and add a ton of staggered layers
Chris was at work while I did it. I was going to keep it a secret but Im not good at those! He completely is a LONG HAIR man. He really doesnt like short hair so I had to tease him a little bit. He's been so good and sweet lately I had to push it to see what he'd say..
Killin me. Not even a freak out over that! He came home from work and gave me a kiss.. then he says to me
"honey I bought you a duck stamp and thought maybe we could hang out tonight and go hunting"
I looked right at him and said "are you dying? do you have some terminal disease you havent told me about!?"
See Chris is a sweet but hes not usually all lovey, buy me presents, talk about emotions kinda guy. Hes more of the gruff you gotta read between the lines type of man. Hes spoiled me this last week so I just had to make sure :) 
Kennedy was SO excited to be going hunting. She started jumping up and down and raced to change her clothes. She was bummed it wasnt duck hunting time yet but this still worked. She wasnt happy either that I wouldn't let her bring her BB gun to shoot them with. I tried to explain it to her about licences and right type of guns.

 We saw a few doves but couldnt get much of a shot at them. It was kinda hard with all us on the wheeler to be able to stop, get off the bike, rack in a round and then get them. We had two that I could have got but I was trying to let Chris get first shot and he couldnt see them where they were at
 Mr Duck Hunter had to stop and glass the waterways for this upcoming season
See what channels were open, how much water there was etc

We didnt end up getting anything but it was still a fun way to spend a night!

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