Sunday, November 3, 2013

305- Brigham Bowmen Halloween Archery Party

Friday, the day after Halloween, Brigham Bowmen had their archery party. Chris was on call still so we had to come up with costumes that were easy to dress up in so if he had to go on a call it wasn't too bad.. plus he was being a Halloween Scrooge and didn't want to dress up. So I came up with a compromise able costume. He could be a deer hunter.. so just camos and orange and I'd be a deer. I glued some antlers to a headband, found a brown sweater and pinned a white piece of felt on the front, made a tail, threw on some brown leggins and boots and bam I had a costume. 
 The range was set up with all kinds of fun targets to shoot at. A swinging ball on a rope, clay pigeons hanging from fishing line, balloons, paper pumpkins and bats, animals with balloons or clay pigeons on them, candles where you had to shoot out the flame, and that flag was held down by a piece of string with a piece of wood in the middle. You shoot the wood and the flag flies up and the bell rings. It was a potluck too. There was chili and breadsticks, cheese dips, cookies, rice crispy treats, meatballs, chips, and all kinds of goodies!
 Liz, Kyle and Kinlie.. flapper girl, gangster and a vampire
 Mom and Dad.. aka Ducky Dynasty
 A hunter and his deer. Todd was having too much fun with this one! Every time I turned around it was "Hey deer.. how are you deer.." or some comment!
 Mom, Liz and I
 Erin the creepy doll and Dr House
The group shot of everyone who was there at the beginning

 We had music and a fog machine going
 There were a lot of shooters!
 Lexi (Brave) Kinlie (vampire) Kennedy (Brave)
Both Brave girls had the same wig and were so over it by this point!
 Judd and Melissas cute twins shooting. These two girls are awesome with a bow!
 Jana and I
 The Luthis
 Chris, Schaffer and Kyle having a little competition
 Dad shooting

 Mom and Shaela 
 Dallas and Devin were playing Angry Birds and Talking Tom on Janas tablet. They thought it was hilarious and were so stinking cute!

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