Sunday, November 24, 2013

321-324 Week review

Sunday night after dinner we were at Todd and Janas in the basement. Chris was sitting on the couch and I was on the floor in front of him sitting with my back between his legs. All of a sudden the pager goes off. He jumps up and is running up the stairs and out the door before the tones even finish to hear what it is. I look at Todd and start laughing. I walk up the stairs. Put on my shoes and drive to the station... since my husband left me and all. I made it still in plenty of time to make the first truck. Silly boy was so excited all I could do was laugh and give him shit for leaving me :) We did get to play with fun toys checking the air for gasses.
 Monday morning was a music session on the way to work. This is one of my most favorite songs 
 Monday night as soon as I got home we went to the archery range to shoot for the night. I have been having some serious issues shooting.. like all over the freaking place so I didnt score.. Like Ive been shooting a 160 out of 300.. normally my lowest is around 240. I consistently am inconsistent. Chris shot a good score and I spent the night trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Miss K fell asleep when we got home and looked so sweet and peaceful cuddled up with Strawberry Marshmallow 
 I love sleeping baby pictures! She still has that slight look of baby to her
Speaking of no longer being a baby.. her school pictures came
Tuesday evening I did something I hadn't done in over two weeks.. it was FABULOUS. I sat on the couch and didnt do anything for a good 30 minutes.
 Of course the same cant be said for Chris who cant hold still. Him and Tank practiced retrieving inside where it was nice and warm.

During drill Tuesday night Kennedy got to go in the fire truck with us. We just had to go fuel them up. She loved it. She was talking to Lindsay (one of the other girls on the dept) about Chris and said to her "Dont worry, his bark is a lot bigger than his bite" Oh my I started laughing so hard I couldn't stop. She has him figured out!!
 Chris driving us back to the station
Tuesday night was a long one.. ended up going out on a psychiatric/drunk problem at a trailer park... and long story short... they forgot me at the hospital. I had to take a vehicle up for an officer and the squad was going to come pick me up.. Well that didnt happen. Id left my phone at home. The squad went back to the station because they thought someone else was picking me up. We called them on the radio and someone finally heard and sent them up to get me, after I had to go back to Brigham Fire Dept with the ambulance crew.. And when I got back to the station I still had to fill out the run report. I didnt make it to bed until after midnight. I had to be to work at 6am that next morning. It was only fitting I had Mt Dew and donuts for breakfast. Sometimes you just need it!
Wednesday night Kennedy had archery class and did so well. It all finally clicked. Her form was really good. Her draw was awesome. AND she hit paper woo woo! She had a hard time going that high because the target is taller than her so she kept wanting to shoot the lower one thats more her level. She got paper twice! We had to take a picture
 Wednesday night we came home from archery with Macee. We were babysitting her for the night and this was her first sleepover at our house. 
 Chris had to go over to his dads so we all went. I was nervous about how Chris would handle Macee spending the night. He was fine with it but when it comes down to a baby at night it can be different. You know how women think.. this is kind of 'the test' for when we have kids.. how is he going to do? what happens if she cries all night? How will he handle getting woken up a lot?
 He was so funny and cute. He would not let me carry the carseat. He could do it. Thats what the guys do. So he packed around her car seat anywhere we went. He buckled it in the car and all. When we got to Todds him and Chris pretty much fought over her. Macee LOVES Chris. She gives him the googly eyes every time. AND she just ADORES Todd. She lights up every time she sees him.
 Jana was at Bunco so he made me send her pictures to rub it in that he got the baby.
 She started to get fussy and it was late so we headed home. He changed her diaper. Put her jammies on. Just because he wanted to and she needed it done. It was so weird for me to not have to do it.. and that he wanted to.
 She was kind of fussy and wanted nothing to do with me. She wanted Uncle Chris. So they cuddled and watched TV.
Miss Moo apparently according to her mom.. sleeps through the night. Well she just was NOT having it at Aunt Jessys and was pissed and threw a fit for two hours pretty much. Then she got so tired she just fought sleep. After about two hours I called Elysha to see if she had a special routine. I'd tried all her normal tricks. I pulled out every trick I knew to get a kid to settle down and go to sleep. I mean this isn't my first baby or first time with one. She didnt want me either she wanted Chris so he held her, rocked her, put her in the room in her bouncer to sleep..Not a chance. When none of that worked and she was still screaming my mom came down (she watches Macee a few times a week at night so Macee is used to her putting her to bed) And she was not having it with my mom either. After a good 30 minutes she finally got her to calm down and a little bit later to fall asleep. She left about a quarter to 11. So I went to bed. Elysha says she sleeps all night so we should be good right. Nope. Chris's phone went off at 11 and she woke up. She just needed a few sips of her bottle and she was back asleep. Then at 1230 she woke up and wanted 3/4 of her bottle. Woke up again at 230 for a few more sips. And then at 5 which was her normal bottle time. Chris was getting ready for work and in the kitchen as we came in to get her milk. He held her while I got her bottle ready and said "so does this make you not want to have more kids now" I laughed and said no sorry. Its easier when they're your own. You know their routine and what they need/want a little better. Miss Moo and I went and cuddled in our bed and fed her since Elysha was going to be there at 530. She was all smiles and giggles. I wasnt sure how Mr Tough guy was going to think of the night because he pretends like he doesnt want a baby but he really does.. Well leaving for work he took 5 mintues to love on Macee and kiss and cuddle her and tickle her with his beard. Im pretty sure he told Macee he loved her more times than me before he left :) So all in all I think it went good!

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