Sunday, November 10, 2013

312- AirMed Conference

Friday morning Chris and I went to a training hosted by AirMed at their new University of Utah South Jordan center in Daybreak.  This was the first ever conference they had put on so we weren't too sure on what to expect. It was ONLY for dispatchers and dispatch supervisors. They had a capacity of 75 people. This was our itinerary for the day
I have to say I was very impressed. It was a great class and we got 6 CME hours for it. The speakers were good. They didnt talk too long. After each speaker they gave away prizes. The first 4 were rides in the helicopter. Neither Chris or I won. For lunch it was catered by the hospital and very good food. We went out and toured the helicopter they brought in for us.
 Chris and I

 Then we went and toured the dispatch center. The let us play with the night vision goggles. They were so neat to see through!

During the lunch they took the lucky ones on the helicopter ride. 
After lunch the speakers actually didn't decline. They gave away two hoodies between each class.. which again we didn't win! My raffle luck has been sucking lately!! But all in all it was a great training and I definitely would go again! It was a rough way to spend a day of work! :)

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