Sunday, December 15, 2013

343 and 344

Sunday and Mondays are rough because they are my 12 hour shifts. Monday I get home after Chris does. I feel like the day is over as soon as I get home. Kennedy was asleep on the couch.
 Chris was in the kitchen breasting out ducks.
Neither one of us were hungry for dinner and Kennedy was asleep. I got a diet coke, some cadburry chocolates and layed in front of the fire place. 

Tuesday our first Christmas card of the year came! I was so excited
 My mom had bought Kennedy a princes advent calendar to keep the count down to Christmas. I feel so shocked each day when she opens a new one and we are that much closer to the big day.
 I was wanting sushi bad on Tuesday. I made a special lunch run. I went to Winco and bough a Seattle roll. Its smoked salmon, cream cheese and asparagus. 
I checked with Liz who was at work (she works at Ogden courts so its like 2 blocks from my work) and she wanted some too. I took her a California roll (which doesnt have raw fish either) some M&Ms and a Dr Pepper. She.. ok I should say baby Koree was in heaven. Baby Koree craves sushi all the time. Thats been Liz's biggest craving this whole pregnancy.

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