Thursday, December 19, 2013

350- Monday Funday

Monday was rough. It started out all good and fun with me sleeping in. Not to the point I was late.. just rushed all morning. Then not long into work our CAD server crashed...sigh which took out our system in which we enter calls, dispatch officers and medical, put notes etc. When that happens its back to the good ol pen and paper system. Hand writing each call and passing post it notes to add onto the calls. Keeping track of your officers and firemen by writing them on a paper and having to remember who is on what and who is available. I blurred it so you can actually SEE whats on there.. but each piece of paper upright is calls I had going, all the upside down ones were completed ones.
This is how you pick your fire units once the computers are out.. old school binder with map..
 Besides our medical card system and everything else that was not working that day we were short staffed. To top it off I forgot my lunch at home. I didnt realize it until I went to heat it up. It was not a good day! My super sweet Father in Law found out I forgot my lunch and even though I threatened him and told him he better not show up at my work with food.. he didnt listen. Next thing I know hes in the parking lot texting me telling me to come get my lunch. He brought me Brixtons Baked Potato Chicken Alfredo. 

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