Sunday, December 15, 2013

346- Kennedys lip surgery

Thursday morning bright at early at 730 Chris and I went to McKay Dee Surgical center to have Kennedys lip tie fixed. She was a little nervous but did very well. The nurse came in and was talking to her. I dont think she was expecting a girl quite like Kennedy ha! She started off talking to her like she was a little kid and quickly realized how much of a little adult she was dealing with.
 She asked her what her name was
"Kennedy Jeigh Curfew Richards" 
(She is convinced she has two last names. Curfew and Richards and there is no convincing her other wise. She IS a Richards if you ask her. We just let her go with it because its pretty much true lol!)
Do you know why you are here Kennedy?
"Yes. I have a moderate lip tie and also have a slight tongue tie. But hes not concerned about the tongue tie. Hes only going to fix the lip tie"
Well ok then lol!
She asked her how was breakfast this morning?
"I didnt have breakfast. I wasnt allowed to eat or drink anything since last night. They told me I couldnt??"

Another nurse asked her if she knew what they were going to do and she informed them HOW they were going to do the procedure including the few stitches. Each nurse told us how much they loved her and how they wanted to take her home.
Here is her pre op picture
 and her pre op lip picture
 She met with 2 nurses, the dr and the anesthesiologist. Finally around 830 it was time to wheel her back to the OR. They gassed her there and then once she was out put an iv in her foot. She did NOT want to go to sleep. She was pissed about the gas mask and kept fighting them trying to take it off
 They sent Chris and I into one waiting room. The surgery was scheduled to go aprox 22 minutes. I think that included the gas time and everything. We met her as they were taking her out of the initial recovery room and back into the other recovery room. She was crying because when she woke up we weren't there with her (even though we told her we wouldn't be because we cant see her until she goes into the second recovery room) Anesthesia makes her very emotional. She wasnt in pain or anything.. just upset.
 This man right here makes me just so happy. He is the best dad to Kennedy every. She was crying and he was trying to make her laugh as he was wiping her tears.
 She was showing him her lip. The first thing she said to us is "I can say the word 'car' clearly now" 
The surgeon said he had a lip holder on while he was doing the cutting. As soon as he made the first cut the lip holder went flying because her range of movement is so much more now.
 She started to really come around fast as it started wearing off. It only took a minute or two for the tears to stop. I cuddled with her in the bed for a few minutes and the nurse brought her a popsicle. She made out of there with a popscile, a water bottle, a stuffed animal and a thank you note signed by all the nurses.
 She was good enough by the time we left there at 10 am we stopped for Burger King French toast sticks on the way home. Chris and I were starving. Kennedy couldn't eat anything past 11pm that night and we didnt eat breakfast that morning.  We went home and cuddled on the couch and watched Elf. 

JaNeale came up to visit. She brought Kennedy a toy from Santas Clauset that was delivered to her work.
The story behind the toy is Santa's elves sometimes make mistakes. They get too busy with filling all the orders and dont notice the toys arent finished or done improperly until the toys are being ready to be shipped out (it comes with a book that explains the whole story) so the take the toys that are mistakes and send them to very special children who they know will accept them and love them. It comes with a toy, a book and a shipping box that has stamps on it from the North Pole and all over the world. 
 This is what the house looked like after an hour or so
 Here is a before and after picture of Kennedy taken the next day. There is a little more cut than it shows but we didnt want to pull on her lip too much. She has had a fat lip for about a day and thats been her only issue. No pain or anything else

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