Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bear Tooth Pass

I had heard about Bear Tooth Pass before this trip from my parents.
I wasn't really sure what was so special about it.
I did some googling on it before we left and it looked cool but nothing super impressive.
We started out from Cooke City over the Bear Tooth Pass Highway.
It was pretty but nothing I hadn't seen before.
We drove over this bridge and then walked over to this neat waterfall

Moms a little afraid of heights.
She wouldn't sit on the railing next to it or on Dads lap

We went through some rolling hills that had some curves

It started to get a little more steep
a little more curves 
Then we hit a pocket of lakes that were surrounded by deep snow!
It started to get a little cold!

We started climbing more and more in elevation


Then we hit one of the look outs
I almost am hesitant to post pictures of it because they in no way compare to the incredible beauty that there was!!

The pass was INCREDIBLE.
You can see how curvy the roads are
It was breathtaking

We continued heading higher and higher through the mountains
The valleys and views were amazing
It started to get COLD!
It was about 530 at night and I had a sweatshirt on and needed to pull over and put my leather jacket on also
We pulled over at a rest area to stop and take a break.
There were these little chipmunks all over the place.
My dad went to pet one and my mom yells out
"Watch out!! He's after your nuts!!!"
Another view from the pullout of the bottom of the road.

This trip started out in Utah, into Idaho and back and forth between Montana and Wyoming

See that tiny little road that goes through the bottom there.
Thats the road we went out into Red Lodge on

If you ride motorcycles the Bear Tooth Pass is A MUST SEE!!!

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