Sunday, August 21, 2011

The world

After the concert last night and a few other things that have occured this week I was starting to wonder what the hell has happened to this world.
The normalcy, respect, decency
the core values etc.

Well my mind was changed this afternoon.
Kennedy and I went into get a few drinks at the gas station.
We were waiting in line and a lady and her dog were behind us.
Yes her little dog she was carrying.
Kennedy turned around and started talking to her and asking her about her dog.
The lady carried on a conversation with Kennedy.
She told her about her dog.
How he had just had surgery
Kennedy told her she should buy the dog some soft treats since it was on his mouth.
The lady asked Kennedy her name and she told her
and then said whats your name?
The lady told her and Kennedy reached out, grabbed her hand, shook it and said nice to meet you.
Kennedy said thank you for her drink.
She said please for her treats.
She says yes ma'am to me and calls me ma'am when I ask her things
Shes respectful to people.
Then it kinda hit me.
The world may not be ok
That doesnt matter though.
I am teaching my daughter how to be a respectable person.
I am by no means a perfect parent
Kennedy isnt a perfect child
Her manners arent always great but shes 3.
Shes learning daily.
We are all learning daily.

But she says please.
She says thank you
She is friendly to people
She shares her treats
She shows others kindness in the world
She is loving
She waves to people just to be nice.
She walks up to random kids wherever we go and asks them if they want to play

There is old fashion values out there.
Sometimes it just takes a little looking around to notice


The Triplett Family said...

Great insight. There's plenty of crap around... if that's what you notice. But there's plenty of beauty too... if that's what you notice. Way to raise a sweet, loving, polite, and respectful little girl!

Joni said...

I think Miss K is going to turn out to be a terrific woman someday, just like her Momma! You're doing an awesome job with her :)